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Before starting Mill7, settings need to be gone through. The settings are placed in the tabs:













Tabpage General

- General

- Field names

- Mill7 online




The settings in the input block 'System' applies to all bookkeepings and can only be modified by a user with supervisor rights.


Use old help system
As of version 7.6C.2, the Mill7 help information opened in the default web browser of the user. Using the setting 'Use old help system' the help will be opened as chm instead of in the web browser.
See also the help topics Installation of Mill7 and Paths and network installation.


Duration error

The number of seconds the yellow error messages are on the screen. By default, these messages are on the screen for five seconds.


Password valid (days)

Mill7 forces the user to change the password after the number of days. If the number of days equals 0 (zero), the password does not have to be changed.


Use phrases for passwords

With this setting it is possible to use a sentence as password. The maximum length is 64 characters.


Password is required

This forces the user to set a password.

When a password is required the password must meet the following requirements.

For normal (short) passwords:

A minimum of 5 and maximum of 10 characters.

At least 3 letters and at least 2 characters of another type like numbers, symbols or punctuation marks.

For phrases (long passwords):

A minimum of 11 and maximum of 64 characters.


Adopt OS-user

The user code in the start up screen is default set to the same user as in the OS session.


Extended rights system (trust)

With this option different user groups can set for General and Access rights and for Client bookkeepings and Service companies.

After (de-)activating this option Mill7 need to be restart.
When the option has been activated the users groups for each user can be set in Menu Supervisor> Users> Maintenance.


Hide bookkeepings without rights

The list of bookkeepings only shows bookkeepings where rights for.


The settings in the input block 'Bookkeeping' applies only to the open bookkeeping.


Company mask

The code of a company is automatically created with this mask. X represents alphanumeric (letters), 0 numeric (numbers). The letters are the beginning of the name, the number is a sequence number. The sequence number is raised if the letters are already part of a code.

The code is completed with zeros if the name is shorter than the alphanumeric part of the mask.

Example 1: Mask = XXX00, the first company with name Millogic software will get code Mil01

Example 2: Mask = XXX00, the first company with name Ve will get code VE001


Person mask

The code of a person is automatically created with this mask.


Allocate draft invoices (Trust)

Drafts invoices, based on time, disbursements and fees that are not booked, are deleted after they have been printed or filed.

By setting this option, drafts will not be deleted but can be viewed and approved in Mill7.

Time and fees included in the draft are allocated and cannot be changed unless the draft invoice is deleted.

Draft invoices must be approved before they can be booked.

In the Invoicing settings can be chosen for the option 'Approve drafts by two users' .

See also the help topic Invoicing.


With the option 'Approve drafts by two users' two users have to approve a draft before it can be invoiced.


Period duration

You can choose one of the following periods: Year / Quarter / Month / 4 weeks / Week. Based on this setting,  Mill7may suggest to enter in a particular period. For example, on August 25, Mill7 will with a Month period suggest to enter in period 8 when you create a new daybook page.

As soon as journals have been made, the period duration can no longer be changed.


bookyear from/until

Begin date and ending of the fiscal year.

As soon as journals have been made, the bookyear period can only be changed via the function Recalculate periods.


Bookkeeping currency

The (bookkeeping) currency in which a bookkeeping is done. As soon as journals have been made, the currency can no longer be changed.



When this checkbox is checked, this bookkeeping can only be used to consolidate other bookkeepings in.


General - Field names

At Relations, companies and persons, and at debtors and creditors and at users, there are a number of free fields. The label of these fields on the screen can be changed here.


This can also be done for the extra address lines and the field Street/no.

These labels are the same for companies and for persons.


General - Mill7 online

Use E-mail validation

This forces the user to enter a validation code when logging on to Mill7 Mobile.

The validation code is sent to the E-mail address that is listed at the user settings.


Tabpage Book

- General

- Other


Book - General

General ledger no. first P/L-account

The first profit and loss general ledger account.

Lower accounts are considered balance sheet accounts, higher accounts profit and loss accounts.


Balance Code first P/L-account

With version 7.6C.1 this setting is removed. See the help topic Maintenance> Balance codes.


General ledger no. result P/L

In the opening balance of the new bookyear the result profit and loss will be entered at this General ledger account.


Gene. ledger no. payment discount creditors:

If in the proposal at automatic payments the amount to be paid is changed, the difference is entered into the payment discount creditors account.


General ledger no. daybook differences

The balance of all changes together on daybook pages of debtor and creditor daybooks should be zero. Differences due to a page not being finished are entered into this account.


General ledger no. payment differences

When an outstanding invoice is partially paid and booked, you’re requested to book the other part on this account, so that the outstanding invoice is fulfilled.


General ledger no. automatic batch payments

After creating an automatic payment file, the proposed invoices will be booked in a memorial daybook with an opposite journal entry on this account. The daybook can be set during the automatic payment process and the opposite account as well. When the opposite account is changed in the payment process it will also be change here.

This general ledger no. also acts as a default opposite account for the automatic collection of outstanding debtor invoices when no special account is set for that process. When it is changed during the collection process it will be saved separately and without affecting this general setting.


Daybook memo credit invoice debtor

On creating a credit invoice, in this daybook the memorial journal entry is made to book the original invoice and credit invoice away to each other.


Table balance codes

This is the default balance code table for this bookkeeping.

When mapping a general ledger to a balance code the balance code can only be selected from this table.


Use account settings of previous bookyear

Activating this option will have the effect that the two columns for the previous bookyear in the Balance, P&L balance presentation are based on the balance code settings of the general ledger accounts in the previous bookyear. Otherwise the settings of the current bookyear will be applied. For accounts used in the previous bookyear that are not present in the current bookyear the settings of the previous bookyear will be applied anyway.


First balance code liabilities

Starting from version 7.6C.1 this setting is no longer available.


Log journal changes

If this checkbox is on all changes in journal entries are logged. Logged are changes of date, account, document number and amount. Also, it is logged who made the changes and when.


Book - Other

Do not allow foreign currency in bank

If this checkbox is activated, in the bank daybook no direct journal entries, concerning foreign currency debtors or creditors, can be made.

Also Ctrl+K for different currencies cannot be used for daybooks of type bank.


Do not allow booking outside period or bookyear

If this checkbox is activated, no journal entries can be made outside the bookyear or the period. If the checkbox is not activated a warning message will appear if journal entries will be made outside the bookyear.


Disable balance code in general ledger

When this option is selected, it's not possible to add balance codes when creating a new general ledger.


Authorise invoices creditors before payment

With this option enabled in a bookkeeping, outstanding invoices of creditors must first be authorised before they are added to the payment proposal.
The setting must been set for each bookkeeping individuallly and will become active after Mill7 is restarted.

The user will need the rights to be able to authorise an outstanding invoice.

Authorisations are maintained at Bookkeeping > Financial > Authorise payments.


Table account recognition (only available in the Pro and Trust version)

Per bookkeeping one table number can be set for recognizing descriptions in reading bank transactions and reading UBL-invoices.

The default for each bookkeeping is 0. The tables can be added or maintained in maintenance account recognition.


Default Rate table daybook creation (only available in the Pro and Trust version)

The default rate table for a new daybook can be entered here.


The following options in tabpage Book - Other are only available in the Trust version:

Book invoices in upcoming bookyear.

It is possible to create invoices in Mill7 for the upcoming bookyear. This way the profits can be booked in the correct year for fees.

When this option is enables and the book date of the invoice is later then the end of the bookyear, the invoice will not be booked in the current year.


Calculate cost and income in currency invoice (Ctrl+K info)

When activated, the cost and income will be calculated in the currency of the invoice when creating invoices in daybook Debtors and Creditors.

To calculate older journals in the bookkeeping after activating please execute Recalculate bookkeeping totals.


Show Luxemburg XML codes

This option will display two extra columns in the setup of the balance codes. These two columns can be used in Luxemburg for the XML declaration.

For Luxemburg clients a special eCDF module is developed to create XML files for the eCDF in Luxemburg.

When you are interested in this module please contact


Show CoC XBRL labels

This option will display two extra columns in the setup of the balance codes. These two columns be filled in for depositing an XBRL file to the Chamber of Commerce.

When you are interested in this option please contact


VAT currency

When the bookkeeping currency is not in Euro but the VAT declaration must be filed in Euro, this field can be set to Euro.

All VAT journals will be calculated in Euro by using the daily rates. The information is saved in the CTRL+K fields of the journal.

To calculate older journals in the bookkeeping after activating please execute Recalculate bookkeeping totals.

The option VAT Declarations NL can be used to file the VAT declaration.


Default Folder XML audit files

The default folder for XML audit files can be entered here.
The audit file can be created via Bookkeeping> Financial> Create XML auditfile.

When the default folder is set, the location will be shown as [DEFAULT]\Bfolder.xaf.

The real location will not be visible. Users can enter an other location.


MT940:bankaccounts 16 numbers

With this option it is possible to read in MT940 and MT940 structured files in which the bank account number is 16 positions long instead of 10.


Tabpage Invoicing

- Layout

- Language/curr.

- Surcharge/Free time

- Miscel. Invoicing

- Letter margins

- E-mail


Invoicing - Layout

Latest invoice

The invoice number used last time. This number is automatically raised when new invoices are booked using the invoice module.


Latest allocated draft (only in the Trust version)

The number for draft invoices allocating time and fees used last time. This is automatically raised during invoicing.
The number range is used for all service companies.


Different No./Daybook for credit invoices

With this option Credit invoices will be numbered with an own range and in a separate Daybook.

The setting is for all Service companies.
Number and Daybook have to be set per service company.


Latest no./daybook (only in the trust version)

The invoice number for credit invoices used last time. This is automatically raised during invoicing.

When no Number is filled the number latest invoice is used.

This number is not used when Invoices are booked in the upcoming bookyear.


The daybook used to book credit invoices.

When no daybook is filled the Daybook of the Debtor will be used.


Disbursements text from/until

The group of articles which are displayed as disbursements on periodical invoices. Activities, those articles are related to, will be considered as disbursements in the time screen.

The invoice status of disbursements in which also a case is entered is determined by the activity and not by the case.


Leading text

The periodical invoices display groups of articles for fixed fees, time and disbursements. These three groups can be preceded by an introductory text. This text also needs to be entered as an article.


Invoice sort

Invoices can, after they have been booked, be printed in an optional order you are free to choose. The optional order can be set here. On creating an invoice this order is saved in the invoice. If this order changes, this change can be forwarded by pressing the Sort invoices button.


These fields can also be used for naming invoices when they be saved as a file.


Report Layout

Enter here the names of the reports which are used during invoicing.

When no report layout is set the Mill7 default layout will be used.

These are:

Invoice: factuur.rpt

Cover letter: begeleidend schrijven.rpt

Time specification: urenspecificatie.rpt

Reminders: aanmaningen.rpt


The default layouts are included with every Mill7 update and are located in the Mill7\reports folder.


When a custom report layout is set the regarding file must be saved in the Mill7\reports\custom folder.


Invoicing - Language/curr.

Invoice Language

You can choose to have all invoices printed in a fixed language, or to let the invoice language be determined by the language set at the debtor.


Currency, Minimum Amount time/disbursement and Rate

Invoices can be entered in several currencies, rates can be calculated by daily rates or by fixed rates.

To use daily rates the rate table can be entered here. Otherwise per currency a fixed rate can be entered.


Per currency a minimum amount can be set. If the amount to be invoiced on time, inclusive disbursements and VAT, is lower than the minimum amount, the invoice is not created.

On invoices with fixed fees and time and / or disbursements the minimum amount is not applicable.


In order to be able to enter Time rates in different currencies, those currencies must be added here.


Invoicing - Surcharge/Free time

Use Surcharge

Here can be set if surcharges are used. The surcharges are entered in menu Maintenance -> Time & invoicing -> Surcharges and reductions.


Free time

At Free time is entered which articles are free of charge. Also can be entered if the free time must be shown on the invoice or not.


Invoicing - Miscel. Invoicing

Print Period fees and time

The choice if and how a period is printed on a time invoice.


Date Format

The invoice date can be printed as text or as a date.


Adm. manual invoices

When an invoice is made manually (not by using the stopwatch), this setting can be used to book the invoice  in an other bookkeeping than the bookkeeping of the service company of the debtor.

This way all manual invoices are booked in the same bookkeeping.

This functionality is only available in the trust version.


Approve drafts by two users

In the General settings can be chosen for 'Allocate draft invoices'.

Draft invoices must be approve by one user.

With the option 'Approve drafts by two users' two users have to approve a draft before it can be booked.


Different Service Company per fixed fee

It is possible to book several fixed fees of one debtor in different bookkeepings. The checkbox must be activated. This functionality is only available in the Trust version.


Do NOT delete non-recurrent fees

This setting concerns the Services and fees tab within Relation Management.

When a non-recurrent fee has been invoiced, you can keep it in the list to reschedule or to keep a history of fees.

All information regarding the invoice frequency is set to zero.


Only invoice approved time by supervisor

When this option is selected, only time that has been approved by the supervisor will be invoiced.


Always invoice disbursements until today

By default the disbursements selection in the invoicing will use the selection time/disbursements until.

With this setting selected, all disbursements until today will be selected.

For more information, see Invoicing time, disbursements and fixed fees.


Article selection for invoicing fees

When this option is on it is possible to select on used articles during the invoicing of fixed fees. This way it is possible to invoice only a specific fee instead of all.


Use invoice text in journal entry

With this option the description in the journal will be filled with the article text when booking an invoice the invoice module.


Amount with leading time text

Usually, an amount is displayed behind every invoice text. With this option a total amount is put behind the introductory text. As this option does not work together with other options such as surcharges, free time and commission, using it is discouraged.


Add amounts

With this option, invoice texts can be split up if the rate is not always the same within an invoice text.


Only invoice time/disb if fixed fees are invoiced

If this option is activated, time and disbursements are only invoiced if a fixed fee is also invoiced.


Status active entity from/until

The status can be entered at e.g. the debtor.

All companies within the entered range here, will be considered active and can be invoiced.


Invoicing - Letter margins


The address is displayed at the left or right on reports like invoices and reminders.


Upper Margin and Left Margin

Margins on reports like invoices and reminders.


Print delay

Here you can set the number of seconds between the print jobs for multiple invoices. Some older printers or print servers might require this when printing bulk quantities.


Invoicing - E-mail

The settings at this tabpage are equal for all service companies.

They have to be set separately per client bookkeeping.


Use win2pdf driver to create invoices in PDF format

If the results of the conversion of the invoice to pdf is not satisfactory, an alternative driver can be used, win2pdf.

This is a commercial external driver which is not provided by Millogic Software.

The Win2pdf printer must be selected as the default printer for the user to be able to work with this option.


Address to send invoice by e-mail

When invoices and reminders are sent via e-mail the addressee of the e-mail is determined by these settings:

Person in cover letter address debtor;

Person in cover letter address debtor, with a copy of the e-mail to the debtors account manager;

Only to the debtors account manager.

To persons in the relation management file Other relations (file F115) where for the field 'Invoice by e-mail' (field 9) is yes.


UBL settings

UBL is an international file format for invoices.

Create UBL attachments for invoice e-mails
Default invoices are sent by e-mail as PDF file. With this option the invoice is also sent as an UBL file.

Embed pdf into UBL files
With this option the PDF file is attached to the e-mail and also embedded in the UBL file.


Data other than the invoice details which can be added to the UBL file are:

Name, postal address, VAT ID number and CoC number of the debtor

Name, postal address, telephone number, fax number, E-mail address, VAT number and CoC number from the company data

Name and e-mail address of the account manager

telephone number and fax number of the account manager's employer


Mollie settings
These settings are the same for all service companies.

Include payment link Mollie payments
This setting activates the possibility to add web links in e-mail messages for invoices. With these links invoices can be paid.

Path web service Mollie payments
The address of the web services that is used to communicate with Mollie.

For more information on this subject please read Mollie payments.


Tabpage Relations

Change relation code

If the checkbox is activated and a new relation (firm/person) is created, the user can enter the code of firms and persons himself.

If this code is let empty, Mill7 creates a code. If this checkbox is not activated, Mill7 always creates a code.


Log changes relation management

If the checkbox is activated, all changes in relation management and in companies, persons, debtors and creditors will be logged.

This functionality is only available in the Trust version.


11-test account

If this option is activated, the bank accounts of debtors and creditors are checked with the Eleven test.

This setting can only be used for Dutch bank accounts.

For SEPA this setting is not necessary.


Do not delete events during prolongation

With this option completed events will be prolonged to the new bookyear.

Default events with a date completed will not be copied to the new bookyear.


Show documents per person (restart required)

Select this option if you want the ability to attach documents to persons.

Setting this option will make the tabpaged Documents visible under persons in Relations.


Show tabpage free fields persons (restart required)

Ticking the box will activate an extra tabpage within the Persons tab.
The tabpage can be filled with different fields, via the Supervisor menu, Relations, Free fields persons.


Expiry term debtors

The default term expiry date outstanding invoices. This term is used to determinate the due date when creating the journal entry debtors.

When the value is 0 (zero) the default is 30 days.

When the expiry date must equal the invoice date a value -1 must be entered.

A different expiry term can be set at the debtor by filling in the field Different payment term on tabpage Collection.


The default expiry term for creditors is 30 days. The payment condition can also be set per creditor by entering the field Payment condition at tabpage Aut. payments.


Default VAT code

The default VAT code when creating a new debtor or creditor. When a debtor or creditor is created, the VAT code will be copied.


Address sequence

In this option can be set how an address must be built up. Person or firm first.


Number of address lines

The number of address lines displayed at the tabpages Companies>addresses Persons>Addresses.


Type e-maildocument

In Mill7 e-mails can be made which can be send with an attachment. If a report is attached to an e-mail the format can be set here. If format PDF or RTF is selected, button 'Register export drivers' must be executed.


Export letter

Here can be set if a letter must be displayed as a Word document or if this letter must be exported to export files.


Export path

The location where the export letter is filed.


Default folder of query files

The location where querys are saved.


Status prospect

Indicates the status used for prospects.

Users without the right 'Change clients regardless of status' can only change clients with the status prospect.


Colors required fields Relation Management

When a required field is not filled it can be signalled by giving it a color.


Tabpage Trust

- General

- Documents

- Common Law

- Forwarded Payments

- Compliance


Trust - General


Default settings debtors

The default settings apply to the creation of a new debtor.

The debtor will be created with settings entered below.


Default Serv. Company

The most important service company, often de service company of the main bookkeeping. This is entered as default with new debtors.


Default language

When at Debtor no language is selected the invoice will be in the default language.


Default currency

When at Debtor no currency is selected the invoice will be in the default currency.


Default time specifications

When at Debtor Invoicing or in the settings Invoicing no Time specification layout is selected the default time specification will be used.


Default case time registration required

When activated the setting case time registration will be activated at the new debtor.

During time registration on this debtor a case must be entered.


Account manager

The code used in relation management to fill account manager must be entered here.


Trust employee 2 until trust employee 5

These will be used in certain reports.


Synchronize cost centre with Relation management

At Debtor a cost centre can be entered for invoicing.

This option synchronizes the value with Relation management file 111 (General), field 30 (Team).


Always overwrite company when changing person

In Relation management sometimes the person field is preceded by a company field.

When this option is activated the company will always be overwritten by the employer of the person when the person is changed.


Color relation red when code of risk equals

A code of risk can be entered here.

If a relation has the same type of risk it will color red in the Relation Management module.


Interval autocomplete

The interval of the autocomplete option used in Time and Book can be set to finetune performance.

Default is 300 milliseconds. By entering a high number like 99999999, this option acts as being deactivated.


Encrypt adress information relations

This option makes it possible to enter data of certain relations encrypted

Also the user must have rights to see and enter this data.


Trust - Document

Default path documents

Browsing for documents will start at this location.


external DMS

The CRM module can be linked to an external DMS. A custom made program is needed to establish the link.


Trust - Common Law

Settings concerning calculations of penalties can be entered here, as well as settings to create fees for wizards.


Trust - Forwarded Payments

Automatic forwarded payment

A percentage concerning forwarded payments can be entered. If a partial payment of an invoice is larger than this percentage, the screen make forwarded payment appears when a payment is booked.


Also can be set if, in case of partial payment, the amount will be paid forward totally or pro-rata.

To pay forward the VAT, it is common that the amounts will be paid forward pro-rata.

Government fees will be paid forward totally, at the moment the client has paid a certain percentage of the invoice.


Daybook forwarded payments

By using report forwarding payments the amounts to be forwarded can be booked. The journal entries are created in the daybook which is set here.


Acc. no. forwarded payments

When journal entries concerning amounts to be forwarded are made, the general ledger account set in this field will be used as opposite account.


Commission invoice text

Enter the text that is applicable to the commission.

To use the commission enter a fixed fee with a negative amount. Use the text entered in this setting and this fee will not be displayed on the invoice.

The commission is deducted from the first profits entry and a counter entry is made in the account entered in the commission invoice text.

The currency of the commission invoice text and the first profits account should be in the bookkeeping currency. No VAT is applied to this journal entry.


Trust - Compliance


Here can be entered what documents should exist for the clients, shareholders and ultimate beneficial owners.

See also compliance


Use Relian check

This activates a new tabpage at persons and companies to check relation in the Relian database.

Restart is required.


User - e-mail

The username for Relian (usually an e-mail address).



The password for Relian


To be able to transfer Passport information to Relian, the field Passport, in the 'Check UBO and shareholders (persons)' container, must be entered with the correct code used for these documents.

The transfer of a second passport is supported as well, however, the code for a second passport can be maintained in the Mill7 Relian module only, on the tabpage Reports and settings).



Tabpage Time

Round time

You can choose to not round off time, to round off time or to round up time.


Round time with

You can choose to round off entered time at six minutes or a quarter of an hour.


Fields on screen

On the Write time screen the following fields are optional.


Use Column case

This option displays the column Case. This can be used at a debtor to specify a case/project.


Extra column description in list

This option displays the column 'Extra description' on the following screens:Time per date, Time per debtor and on the approve draft invoices screen 'Edit time'. This description can also be used on the time specification instead of the internal description.


Time description mandatory

This forces the user to enter the time description during writing time.


Description in stopwatch

If this checkbox is activated it is possible to enter descriptions by using the stopwatch.


Hide column Rate and amount        

This hides the column with the rate when a user has no rights to change the rate.



For report purposes enter ranges of activities used for holidays and sickness.


Check writing time

Only register direct time to clients

Prohibits writing time for a client on a activity with a default invoice status N.

The invoice status can be changed to N by users with the right 'Change time status'.

It is also possible to write time on a case with a default Invoice status N.


Only register indirect time to service companies

Prohibits writing chargeable time, invoice status J, on a service company.


Enter time chronological

Prohibits writing time on a date when the previous day is not completed. Users with the option 'Approve time per weektotal' should write the hours of the previous week first.


Enter activities user per activity

1. Default procedure

In the activities field of user maintenance, the first letters are entered for the activities for which a user may register time. Suppose the legal activity codes begin with an L and the administrative codes with an A: If you enter LA in this field, the user can only register time for legal and administrative activities.


2. Alternative procedure

By setting the option "Enter activity users per activity" a promptlist becomes available in the user maintenance screen.

The activities applicable to the user can be selected here or entered in the field seperated by "/".

If for instance only activity "MAN" is selected, the user can only write time on the activity "MAN".



Prohibits writing more time on a day then entered here.

When empty no checks are made (default)


Interval reminding time approving

Checks if all time is approved until the end of the previous week and sets the interval of the reminder that will appear on the screen.

If value is 0 (default) nothing will be checked. Other values are in minutes.



Do not merge time with same activity in stopwatch

Time written for the same debtor on the same date with the same activity are merged. This can be avoided by activating the checkbox.


Use adjusted time rates for disbursements

The default rate for time writing is entered per user.

A different time rate can be entered per debtor and per case.

This rate is only applicable to time and not to disbursements.

With this option the different time rate per debtor and case is also applied to disbursements.


Always check time rate user.

When a different time rate is entered at the debtor or at a case, the rate of an activity will be determined by this code.

If no rate is found the system will look for the default time rate ALL.

If this option is set and no activity rate is found at the adjusted time rate the activity rate will be determined by the user time rate before looking at the time rate ALL.


Ignore rate 0 during time writing

While writing time a message will appear at entries that should be billed but for which no rate is found.
By enabling this option, the message will not be shown.


Tabpage Portfolio

Cost price method

The method of cost accounting.


Rate table shares

The rate table concerning shares used in the portfolio bookkeeping.


Do not book unrealised gains

When this option is set unrealised gain will not be calculated during revaluation.



This is the general ledger account of sub administration stock


Stock to be reconciliated

If journal entries are entered in the bank daybooks on the basis of daily statements, journal entries concerning portfolio can be entered to this general ledger. On reconciliation portfolio transactions, all present journal entries with this general ledger will be verified.


Transaction costs

If costs are entered in the transaction, the journal will be booked on this account.


Unrealised result

Contra-account the unrealised result is booked to


Realised result currency gain

The general ledger account, the positive realised result of currency is booked to.


Realised result currency loss

The general ledger account, the negative realised result of currency is booked to.


Realised result stock gain

The general ledger account, the positive realised result of stock is booked to.


Realised result stock loss

The general ledger account, the negative realised result of stock is booked to.


Unrealised result currency

The general ledger account, the unrealised result of currency is booked to.


Unrealised result stock

The general ledger account, the unrealised result of stock is booked to.



The general ledger account, the interest of bonds is booked to.


Other banktransactions

The general ledger account port folio transactions type "other banktransactions" are booked to.


Daybook memorial result

Journal entries concerning results of portfolio are booked in this daybook.


Tabpage Funds

Daybook memorial

This daybook is used when notices are booked in the funds bookkeeping.


General Ledger

This is the counter account used when notices are booked in the funds bookkeeping.



Tabpage E-mail

Mill7 offers the option to sent invoices and reminders through e-mail.

This could be done per individual invoice or reminder, using the local e-mail client like Outlook express or Outlook.


A batch of Invoices could also be sent at the background by use of a SMTP server (in the network) or the local e-mail client.


Local client: Use Outlook driver

Check this box to use a special driver instead of the standard Simple Mapi.

This only applies to sending e-mails using your local client and only works with MS Outlook.

With this driver more options are available when sending invoices by email.


SMTP settings

These settings apply to all service companies.

For client bookkeepings they should be set per bookkeeping.


To be able to use SMTP, the server must recognize Mill7 as a user.


Use SMTP server

Check this box to use SMTP to send invoices and reminders via e-mail.

This option is applicable only for sending invoices and reminders. Other functions that allow sending e-mails will never use SMTP (like E-mail Excel).


Exceptions are

the report scheduler. This function always uses the SMTP server. The SMTP information must be filled in in the main bookkeeping.

relation mailings. In this function it is possible to choose for sending e-mails via the SMTP server.

For both functions there is no need to tick the option 'Use SMTP server'. However, the data from the SMTP server must be filled in correctly.


SMTP Server

Enter the address of the SMTP server.



Enter in the user name of a user with access rights to the SMTP server.

SMTP Password

Enter the password of the user listed above.


SMTP e-mail address sender

This e-mail address will be used as a default senders address.

With some SMTP servers, like for instance, the sender address needs to be the same address as the SMTP user.


SMTP e-mail address errors

If an error occurs while sending invoices or reminders, an error message will be directed to this address.


SMTP e-mail CC Address

When invoices of reminders are sent through the SMTP server a CC e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address entered here.



The default port is 25 unless a different port is entered.



Check this box if your SMTP server only accepts e-mails that use encryption protocol SSL (Secure Socket Layer).

When using as SMTP server this option needs to be disabled.



Check this box if your SMTP server only accepts e-mails that use encryption protocol TLS (Transport Layer Security).
When using as SMTP server this option needs to be enabled.


Retry once after send error
Check this box if you want an e-mail to be resend a second time when the first attempt did not succeed.



A test e-mail will be sent using the SMTP server to the address mentioned at SMTP e-mail address errors.


When E-mails cannot be sent please check the above settings, but also have a look at restrictions made through rights and policies of Windows, firewalls or virus scanners.


Outlook settings

These settings apply to all bookkeepings.


When SMTP is not selected E-mails will be sent using your local client (default mail account).


For each e-mail sent, Outlook will give a security warning which have to be confirmed by the user.

By checking the option 'Disable security warning outlook (restart required)' e-mails will be send directly in the background without user intervention.


In order to use this option the drivers for Outlook must be loaded. If the driver is loaded it will be indicated on the screen. When the driver is not loaded press 'Register drivers'. After this Mill7 will need to be restarted.