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Navigation:  Supervisor utilities > Users >


The users of Mill7 should be entered through the menu Supervisor> Users


The user SUPERV is the default administrator and has all general rights.

This cannot be changed.

Therefore it is advisable to give the user SUPERV a password.


After a user has been created, you need to check the licence for the user via menu Supervisor>Users>licences.


Tabpage General



Every user must have a unique code.

With this code the user can log in into Mill7.

The code of the user is usually made up of his or her initials. The initials are also legible on reports such as e.g. time specifications.



Users cannot be deleted. If a user no longer uses the software, enter the date Resign .

The license will be set inactive for the user, and users who have resigned cannot login anymore.



In the Pro version and Trust version, the language of the user interface can be Dutch or English.


E-mail address

When the user chooses "I forgot my password" on the login screen a password will send to this e-mail address.



Users can be assigned to a team. These teams can be used for selections of reports.

The name of a team can be renamed in the menu Supervisor> Users> Teams.



All users are assigned to a group which contains user rights.

User group 0 is the user group of the Superv administrator, and has all general rights (the rights of group 0 cannot be changed).

User groups 1 through 9 are standard user groups.

New groups can be added and the name of a group can be renamed in menu Supervisor> Users> Groups.


General rights and Access rights

Mill7 Trust has an option for an extended right system.

See the description under Extended Right system.


Online rights

These rights are only available when there is a license for Mil77 Mobile.


Show all clients
With this option all users will be shown in Mill7 Mobile.
By default a user in Mill7 Mobile will only see relations whereby he or she is involved.
For more details, see the help information of Mill7 Mobile.


Tabpage Time

Rate code

The rate code field determines the rate for time registration.


Writes for users

In the field Writes for users all user codes are entered, for whom the user may register time.

These codes are entered with a forward slash, e.g.: "/EVW/JB/SD/VL/".

If the code ALL has been entered here, time can be registered for all users.

The codes can also be chosen from a list by pressing F4.

In the list also teams can be selected. That way the user may write time for all users in that team.


When the field is left empty, the user can only register time for him/herself.



Default procedure

In the activities field, the first letters are entered for the activities for which a user may register time. Suppose the legal activity codes begin with an L and the administrative codes with an A: If you enter LA in this fields, the user can only register time for legal and administrative activities.


Alternative procedure

By setting the option "Enter activity users per activity" in the settings a promptlist becomes available.

The activities applicable to the user can be selected here or entered in the field seperated by "/".

If for instance only activity "MAN" is selected, the user can only write time on the activity "MAN"


Cost price time

The cost price of all registered time can be calculated by entering a cost price per hour.

The cost price is saved with the time registration by which a history of cost prices will become available.


Billable per year

The number of billable hours per year. This can be used in several reports.


Approve time as supervisor

When this option is checked the user can approve time from other users as supervisor.

A supervisor is allowed to approve time for all users for whom time may be registered.


Approve time per weektotal

When this option is checked the user must approve his time weekly.


Workable hours

The number of hours worked per day can be entered to check whether a whole day has been accounted for. In the time calendar, an entirely registered day is displayed green.


Tabpage Approve Time

Here the date can be set until when the user or supervisor has approved the time.


These date are automatically set when the user and supervisor are approving time by the system.

The user can approve his time through Time>Approve time.

The supervisor can approve time through the menu Bookkeeping>Time>Approve time supervisor


Tabpage Reports

The free user fields can be used at several user reports. Via Settings> General it is possible to give this fields a different name.