Book notices

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Book notices

The function Book notices is part of the Funds module and is started through the Funds manager's screen Notices with the buttons <Book> en <Review>.


Daybook journals can be created for capital calls and distribution notices in the bookkeeping related to the fund.


Notices must be booked chronologically.

This means that only the first notice that has not been booked can be booked.

The journals of other notices, booked and not-booked, however, can be reviewed.


<Booked Undo>

With this button the Distribution Notice indication 'Booked' at the Fundsmanager> notice tab is set to 'not booked' for the selected notice.
NOTE: The journals made when the notice was booked are not deleted, this must be done manually.



To be able to use this function the following settings are needed:

1.The fund Bookkeeping at Maintenance> Funds

2.Daybook memorial at Settings> funds in the fund bookkeeping

3.General ledger at Settings> funds in the fund bookkeeping

4.Per participant the GL account at Funds manager> Participants



The following conditions apply for notices to be able to be booked.

If one or more criteria are not met, an error report will be presented and the process button will be disabled.

-The book year of the fund bookkeeping determined by the date of the notice must be present.

-The period in which the journal entries will be booked may not be closed or blocked in fund bookkeeping

-The memorial daybook set in the fund settings must exist in the fund bookkeeping.

-The general ledger account set in the fund settings of the fund bookkeeping must exist.

-General ledger accounts set for each participant must exist in the fund bookkeeping.

-General ledger accounts used may not be blocked or used for VAT


The 'Book notice' screen is composed of four parts.

1.The Info container ‘Bookkeeping’ shows information about the bookkeeping, the daybook and the currency rate used.

2.In ‘Fund’ general fund information is shown.

3.Notice’ shows information of the selected notice.

4.Journal entries’ gives a representation of the journal entries per participant.




The bookkeeping used for the fund is set at Maintenance > Funds > Funds.



The book year will be determined automatically using the notice date.



The code of the memorial daybook is set in the fund settings of the fund bookkeeping at Maintenance > Funds.


Rate table / Rate

The rate table used is the rate table set for the daybook at Maintenance > Financial > Daybooks.

When the currency of the fund bookkeeping deviates from the currency of the fund a currency rate will be calculated.

This rate can be modified. After entering a zero rate, the rate will be recalculated.



The total amount to be booked recalculated in the bookkeeping currency.


Journal entries

For each participant two entries will be created.



The first journal per participant is booked at the General ledger account of the participant.

The second journal is booked at the counter account of the fund bookkeeping.

Per notice the system will generate a unique document number for each participant.



The date of the notice will be used as the book date.



The cost center filled in at the participant will be used.


Amount for. cur.

This is the amount in the fund's currency



These amounts are in the bookkeeping currency.