Paths and network installation

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Paths and network installation

By default Mill7 will be installed on C:\Mill7. For network installations you can move the Mill7 folder to a mapped share, F:\Mill7 for instance.


Installation Network

Mill7 is installed with a DataFlex embedded database by default.


Registry settings

On a Windows server, additional settings must be made in the registry of the server where the database is installed.

These settings apply to DataFlex embedded databases only, not to SQL databases.

Please read the white paper on disabling Opportunistic Locking on Windows servers:



- The database may not work correctly in multi-user environment without these settings.

- When the database is moved to another server, the registry settings mentioned above must be applied to the new server.



A number of sub folders are located in the Mill7 folder: Data, Comp, Programs, Prog12, Prog16, Prog17, Prog19, Reports.

Users must be granted full access to the sub folders Data, Comp, Reports\Custom to be able to read and write to files and folders.

On the users local or remote desktop a shortcut can be created targeting Mill7.exe in the network folder, for example: F:\Mill7\Prog19\Mill7.exe.


Virus scanner

Virus scanners can seriously slow down Mill7 operations due to scanning activities on the databases.

Please exclude the folders containing the data (Data and Comp) from the scope of a virus scanners.



To prevent backup failures the backup of Mill7 databases should only be performed when the database files are not in use.

Copying or backing up database files while people are working will seriously reduce the database performance.


Local files

After Mill7 is started the Help documentation and translations, are copied to the user/temp directory.
The Help is a compiled HTML file. These files need to be installed locally in order to open correctly.

Opening the help on a network drive could require additional registry settings in windows:


As of version 7.6C.2, the Mill7 help information opened in the default web browser of the user. Using the setting 'Use old help system' the help will be opened as chm instead of in the web browser.


Installation client: Register drivers

Mill7 uses drivers that need to be registered on the Windows client or on the server when using remote desktop.

Almost all drivers are automatically registered when starting Mill7 (with the aid of manifest files).

If registration fails, the drivers can be registered by using RegSRV32.

The dll's are located in the Mill7\Prog19 folder.

Should errors occur please check if the files exist in the Mill7\Prog19 folder.


Drivers for Crystal export options RTF and PDF:

- Exportmodeller

- Crtslv.dll


These drivers will be registered by manifest files.

Alternative: They can also be registered via Maintenance > Settings > Relations.


Drivers for Excel and Word:

- rnwdc50.dll

- rnxlc50.dll


These drivers will be registered by manifest files.


Drivers for SMTP:

- ChilkatAx-9.5.0-win32.dll
The driver will be registered by manifest files.


Drivers voor Outlook option disable security warning:

- Secman.dll

- Osman.ocx


These drivers can be registered via Maintenance > Settings > E-mail.


Driver for Windows menus:

- Codejock.CommandBars.v13.4.2.ocx

- Codejock.ReportControl.v13.4.2.ocx

- Codejock.SkinFramework.v13.4.2.ocx


These drivers will be registered by manifest files.


Driver for Dataflex reports:

- Dataflex Reports 2019 Developer Edition API.ocx


These drivers will be registered by manifest files.


Javascript errors

When Javascript errors occur in the embedded web browser used for CoC Netherlands or Relian possibly not all browser features are activated. This can be arranged in the Windows registry by applying one or more of the following three 'dwords'.


HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\Feature_Browser_Emulation\"Maatwerk.exe"=dword:00002af8


HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\Feature_Browser_Emulation\"Maatwerk.exe"=dword:00002af8


HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\Feature_Browser_Emulation\"Maatwerk.exe"=dword:00002af8