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Mailings to persons can be created and started through Bookkeeping> Relations> Mailing.

Persons can be activated here for various mailings.


Every mailing has a number and a description.

Numbers can be added and descriptions can be changed by right clicking the number field (labeled No.) and selecting the option Maintenance list. The number of mailings that can be added is unlimited.


Persons can also be activated for mailing lists in the maintenance screen of persons and companies, tab page Mailing.


Reset mailing

A mailing list can be reset by clicking the button Reset mailing.

As a result the mailing list becomes empty. This operation cannot be reversed.


Adding persons

Persons can be added simply by marking the field in the last column or by clicking the Add button.

A group of persons can be added based on country or type.

Both fields are entered in the maintenance screen of persons.



The selected mailing list will be copied to a new mailing list after entering a list number and a description.

Existing mailing lists cannot be overwritten.


Selection on Service Company

The Service Company of which a person is client can be entered in the Persons screen, tab page Other.

Selection on Service Company can be used, making it possible to split a mailing into different mailings per Service Company.

This can be handy if mailings differ per Service Company. Also labels can be sorted by Service Company this way.


Send mailings

Labels, letters and e-mails can be created based on a mailing.



Five different are label formats included for A4 and Letter sized paper.

The font type and font size can be changed which can be useful for long addresses or small labels.


To test if the labels are correct first print one page on normal white paper.

Check if the text is printed correct by placing the example on top of a label sheet.

Look into the light to see if the text is printed within the labels.

If you can not see it clearly, mark the lines of the labels on a sheet with a pen.



Letters can be created as well.

The text in such a mailing is based on a user text. The language can be set by selecting the option English.

The address of the person and the selected text will be printed in the mailing.


The margins of the mailing can be set to define the location of the address.

This can be handy when using windowed envelopes.


A mailing is based on a Crystal report. This report is distributed with Mill7 and can be found in the folder Mill7\Reports.

When a customized version of this report is present, the option Use custom report can be selected.

This custom version can be found in the Reports\Custom folder.


Customized versions can be created using Crystal Reports 8 or 8.5, is to be named "mailing.rpt" and must be saved in the Reports\custom folder. If you prefer Millogic can make a custom report for you.



For more information on the format of the attachment read the E-mail topic.


In your E-mail client always switch off the option to send messages immediately.

E-mails will be placed in your outbox making it possible to check, adjust or delete them if necessary.

This makes it possible to restart a mailing without the worry of sending the message more than once unintentionally.


- Send E-mail per address

E-mails can be sent to each person individually, making it possible to add a personal opening.

The opening entered in the maintenance of the person will be used to address the person in the e-mail message.


The following three methods of sending e-mails are available:


1.SMTP (an SMTP server is required, see SMTP settings)
E-mails will be sent directly without interference by the user. A message will be presented with the option to cancel the process.

2.Use local E-mail client
Each E-mail will be shown on the screen en must be send by the user himself.

3.Use local E-mail client and send immediately
E-mails will be sent directly without interference by the user. A message will be presented with the option to cancel the process. A security message from Outlook probably forces the user to confirm every E-mail. This security message can be disabled in the settings.


- Send E-mail using local client (BCC)

All persons can be added to the BCC of an E-mail. A personal opening will not be possible this way.

It reduces the number of E-mails that has to be sent dramatically. Recipients will not see the other receivers of the E-mail (BCC).

In order to be able to send e-mails your E-mailing environment may require an E-mail address to be entered in the TO-field of each e-mail message. For that purpose you can fill in the field E-mail address To and E-mail name To.

E-mails made with the BCC option activated will always be sent via the E-mail client, not via SMTP.


With mass mailing the number of addresses in one message can be maximized (up to 99). When the number of addresses that a selection produces exceeds the maximum more messages will be made, each with the number of addresses that corresponds with the maximum, until no more addresses remain. With 36 addresses and a maximum set to 10 four messages will be made, three with 10 addresses and one with 6 addresses.  


- Contents

Other options are attaching a file to the e-mail, entering a subject and choosing a user text which will be used in the body of the e-mail.



When the attachment is in HTML format and no user text is selected, the attachment will be displayed in the body of the e-mail.

This will not work with all e-mail clients because it is not officially supported in e-mail clients but merely a side effect when using HTML.