Automatic payments

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Automatic payments

Outstanding invoices of creditors can be paid automatically in menu Bookkeeping> Financial> Electronic banking> Automatic Payments.


This function can not be processed in an old bookyear.


Mill7 supports the following payment methods:

1.SEPA Credit Transfer - This is the European standard for Euro payments within the Euro region.

2.Cheques - This can be used for payments via bankcheque.

3.BTL91- This is a Dutch standard for transfers from Dutch bank accounts to foreign bank accounts and for transfers from Dutch bank accounts in a currency other then EUR. Some banks do not allow BTL91 within the SEPA region.

4.iFile AutoPay - This is a standard for the Pacific region.

5.iFile Priority Payments - This is a standard for the Pacific region.

6.MT940 - This is a standard for Luxemburg for Euro transfers.


For each creditor the 'Payment method' must be set on tabpage Aut.payments. Also the corresponding mandatory fields must be entered at the creditor.


Global XML

On the Create tab there is an option for SEPA or BTL91 payments to be saved in the Global XML format. This format can possibly be used when a payment does not comply with the demands for SEPA or BTL91.


Not every bank supports all formats mentioned above. Please contact your bank if you want to know which formats you can upload and what the costs are.


Authorising payments

By setting the option 'Authorize invoices creditors before payment' in Settings> Book> Other an outstanding invoice can only be paid when authorized.

When this option is set only authorized invoices will be included in the proposal.

A user needs to have the financial right 'Authorize payments creditor' to be able to authorize a payment. Payments are authorized in the screen Bookkeeping> Financial> Authorise payments.


Clieop03 was a Dutch standard for Euro transfers between Dutch banks. Clieop03 has been replaced by SEPA in 2014.

When there are creditors with outstanding invoices and the payment method Clieop03 the question will be asked to convert creditors with payment method Clieop03 to SEPA.


Tabpage Selection

On this tabpage the selection criteria for outstanding invoices and the definition of the payment description can be entered.


From - Until creditor

Outstanding invoices already on the proposal who do not meet the criteria of this selection will be mentioned in the payment proposal, but the check mark for this invoices will be removed.


Expired entries per

Outstanding invoices already on the proposal with an expiry date after this date will be mentioned in the payment proposal, but the check mark for this invoices will be removed.


Payment methods

Only invoices from creditors with this payment method will be shown in the payment proposal.


Copy with payment

Here you can determine which characteristics you want to send along as a description with the payment.

By choosing more than 1 characteristic the description will be formed in order as on the screen.

At least one of the fields should be checked.

When the structure of the payment description has been changed the invoices where this change apply to must be removed from the proposal first. When rebuilding the proposal the invoices are added again with the new description.



By entering the Proposal tab directly or by using the <Next> button the payment proposal will be shown.


Tabpage Proposal

The proposal shows all outstanding invoices of creditors with a payment method that equals the payment method of the selection in the first tab.

Outstanding invoices with a negative amount are not selected.


When authorization for payments is required, see 'Authorize invoices creditors before payment' in the settings, the invoice must be authorized as well.


Only items with the status "OK" in the Status column can be processed.

When an item cannot be processed, the reason is given in the Status column.


It is not possible to insert items or adjust fields (with the exception of amount).

Invoices can be deleted from the proposal. This does not affect the outstanding invoices at the creditor.


Payment details can be changed in Creditor or in the creditor daybook.

These changes will be processed into the proposal by choosing the button <Refresh> or by going back to the Selection tab.



It is possible to enter a smaller amount than the outstanding amount. This is useful if the entry must be paid in installments.



A check mark in column Send indicates whether a post may be processed.

Items with a status 'not OK' are unchecked and cannot be checked manually.



Only items with the status "OK" can be processed.

When an item is not OK the reason is given in the Status column.

An item can get the status 'not OK' because the company data from the creditor have been encrypted.



With the <Refresh> button, the proposal is updated based on the latest information. This also happens if the proposal selection tab is rebuilt. New invoices appear on the proposal with the check mark out and can be manually turned on. At invoices that are already on the proposal, but no longer meet the selection, the check mark is cleared. This can be manually enabled again.


If payment details are changed at an invoice, such as the description in a journal entry, the invoice should first be deleted from the proposal. The invoice with updated data will be shown again on the proposal.


<Previous> / tabpage Selection

To change the selection criteria or the payment description go back to the tabpage Selection or choose <Previous>.


<Next> / tabpage Create
To create the payment file go to the tabpage Create or choose <Next>.

Only items with the Status "OK" and Send checked will be processed.


<Print proposal>
A report is created in accordance with the proposal on the screen.

By default only invoices selected for payment will be reported, but is is possible to include all invoices listed or only the invoices that have failed the validation tests (status is not "OK").


Tabpage Create


Pay from account

Payments are debited from the chosen bank account. Only bank accountants related to a Daybook Type "Cash/Bank" can be selected.

For payment methods "SEPA" and "BTL91" the fields 'IBAN number' and 'BIC number' have to be entered at the Daybook belonging to the chosen bank account.

Payments for the SEPA method that are not within the SEPA region and payments for the BTL91 method from a non-Dutch bank must be executed as Global XML.


Book in daybook

Only a Daybook with Type is "Memorial" can be selected.

After <Create>, processed items are transferred in the selected daybook with opposite account 'Gen. Ledger no. automatic batch payments' set at Settings> Book.

To recreate a payment file simply delete these journals and process a new proposal.


Opposite account no.

The opposite account number used for booking automatic payments also found in setting Maintenance > Settings > Book > General > General ledger no. automatic batch payments.

When another account is selected this account will also be adjusted in the settings.


Payment method

Only payments with the same 'Payment method' will be processed. The method is set on the first tab and cannot be changed here.


Location payment file

This is the location where the created file will be saved.


Name file

Name of the file to create.


Creation date

The requested payment date.



This only applies to BTL91 and BTL91 through Global XML. It will arrange how transaction costs are being divided between originator and beneficiary. It is a general setting for all payments in one file. Therefore it is important to select payments with an equal kind of sharing for each payment run. Transactions within the European Economic Area (EEA) in EEA currencies, like the Euro, are supposed to be shared.


Global XML

Please check if your bank supports this format.

This option can be used for...

payments with payment method BTL91 are made from a non-Dutch bank.

payments with payment method SEPA are made from  a bank account outside the SEPA region.

normal payments with payment method BTL91 or SEPA


For payments to non-SEPA countries Global XML is possible when the creditor has an IBAN account and the bank of the creditor has a BIC code. Clearing codes as an alternative to BIC are also supported. A clearing code consists of a payment system prefix of 5 characters followed by a bank identification code of a varying number of digits/letters. For example: USABA044525225. A clearing code can be entered in the BIC field at creditors.



This applies to BTL91 only. When checked every payment in the files will be marked for urgent execution. The bank may charge additional costs for this.


Combine payments same creditor

This option in not available for payment methods Cheques and MT940.

With this option all payments of one and the same creditor will combined to one payment in the payment file. The amount is the sum of all amounts and the description is a fusion of the descriptions by invoice.

This merging occurs in the payment file only and has no impact on the invoices of the creditor.


Template cheque

This template will be used when 'Payment method' is "Cheque".


First number cheque

This is the first number to be used when 'Payment method' is "Cheque".


iFile properties

The Connect Customer ID en Net customer ID are provided by the bank and mandatory for payment method "iFile".


<Create file>

After pressing this button the file will be created.

There will be a message when the file is created successfully.


Payment Methods

See also the help topic creditor for any required fields per payment method.



In the SEPA Credit Transfer file, a field named 'ChrgBr' is included. This field may cause a remark in the validation with certain banks, but will not cause any errors. The file will be processed correctly.


For SEPA payments IBAN and BIC codes are needed, not only of the creditor but also in Daybooks with type "Cash/Bank".


The IBAN code is being validated when the proposal screen is generated.

The country code used must be equal to the one in the BIC code;

The length must be a maximum of 35 characters;

The last numbers of the IBAN code must be equal to the bank account number;

The validation number is being checked to the account number and country code.


Accept giro via SEPA (only in the Netherlands)

To create a correct payment item for accept giros in SEPA, the payment reference has to be entered in the field 'Inv. no. cred.' with 16 or 24 characters incl. leading zeros.

The number will be checked for the 11-test for accept giros.

When correct, the payment will be processed as accept giro. When not, the number will be treated as an Invoice number and used as payment description.



In order to use the iFile functionality with your bank, your iFile must be authorized for the bank. Your bank can provide you with a Connect Customer ID and a Net Customer ID.
These ID fields can be entered at tabpage Create.


To create payment cheques Mill7 uses an Excel template. Cheques will be printed immediately. Before creating the cheques the printer should be loaded with the right forms.

The Mill7/Reports folder contains 2 examples of templates Report_cheque.xls en Report_cheque_words.xls.

It is also possible to create and use a customized template which should be saved in the Mill7/Reports/Custom folder.

The following fields can be used in the template:










In a BTL91 file payments of different currencies can be processed.


The BTL91 file has different batches, for each currency there is 1 batch.

In a batch each payment is one transaction.


Besides data of the invoices to be paid the following fields will be used to construct the payment file:


Company data



Postal code


Country *


Creditor data

Name on payment

City on payment

BIC code

IBAN code

Bank name

Bank country *





Daybook data bank account

Bank account

BIC code

IBAN Number (mandatory when the option Global XML is checked)


The above fields marked with asterisks are optional, all others are mandatory.


Adresses used are postal addresses. When a postal address is not filled the visiting address will be used.