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Persons are entered via Relations> Persons.
Several rights can be set for creating, changing and deleting persons.
Create a person
A person can be added by CTRL+N.
Changing a person
After selecting a person in the list the tabpages below are filled with the data of the person.
Use CTRL+S or the diskette in the menu to save the changes.
Delete a person
A person can be deleted by selecting the concerning person and pressing CTRL+D .
Mill7 will check if journal entries or time and invoices are booked on possible related debtors or creditors.
For cleaning up persons the special function 'Clean up relations' can be used.
Search and select a person
Searching for a person is possible in 2 ways:
–Searching through Search name or code
Select the column Search name or Code by clicking with the left mousebutton, enter the first few characters and choose <OK>. Mill7 will select the person that is closest to the search criterion.
–Searching through the field value of a field.
Open the search screen by clicking with the left mousebutton on a field and choose CTRL+F or by clicking with the right mousebutton and choose <Search>.
A pop up screen will appear in which a search criteria can be entered for the selected field. With the <Search> button a list of persons is built up that meet the search criterion.
A person can be selected by double clicking with the left mouse button or with a single click and <OK>.
Copy address to clipboard
By using CTRL+8 the postal address of the employer will be copied to the clipboard.
CTRL+9 copies the address of the person.
Look up visiting address in Google Maps
The function 'Lookup visiting address in Google maps' can be chosen in the right mouse button menu.
By entering address data more completely and correctly you will increase the chance that for an address to be found.
Tabpage General
The name of the person is entered in the fields Name, Initials, Prefix and 'First names'.
The Search name is filled in automatically with the fields Name, Initials, Prefix in this order.
The unique Code is created by the system according to the mask entered at the settings.
In the Trust version it is possible to enter at the settings that the code can be entered by the user. The code will then not be assigned by the system unless the user has filled out nothing.
At employer a company can be selected.
When a person changed from employer the question is asked if the change also should reflected in relationmanagement. In that case Company in the files F114, F115, F119, F130 and F133 where this person is entered will be set equal to employer.
At type, a table to be maintained by the user can be used, with for example values as "contact person" , "advisor" , etc.
Relation management
When the checkbox <Relation management> is activated, additional data for this person can be entered in the 'Relation management' tab. Relation management is designed for companies by default.It is possible to design relation management for persons in case clients are private trust clients.
Would you use this option please contact the Millogic helpdesk.
Debtor and Creditor
With the radio buttons Debtor and Creditor you can set a person as a debtor or creditor. The debtors and creditors are used in the modules accounting and 'time and billing' .
In the Trust version in service companies name and address information from companies and persons can be encrypted. Only users with sufficient rights are able to see the real data.
The encrypted fields are not supported by any functionality in Mill7 regarding addresses like reports, mailing, telebanking etc.
Tabpage Addresses
In Mill7 Postal address and other addresses, can be saved per person.
Millogic advises that the codes in the country and nationality tables comply with the two letter ISO 3166-1 codes for export purposes.
With Ctrl+E a new empty e-mail message will be created. It will be addressed to the selected person with the e-mail address entered in the e-mail field.
Extra address lines
The number of address lines that can be entered is maximum 4 lines and can be set at the Relation settings. The labels of the address lines can be entered at Settings> General. These settings apply to all postal and visiting addresses at companies and persons.
The label of this field can also be changed via Settings> General
Free fields 1-4
Tabpage Postal address has 4 free fields. Via Settings> General it is possible to give this fields a different name.
Extra addresses or telephone numbers can be entered in the 'Address/Tel. other' tab.
By double clicking with the left mousebutton on a row a popup screen appears.
A new address can be entered with CTRL+N. With CTRL+D an address can be deleted.
At Persons, only enter personal data, not addresses or telephone numbers of the employer (these are entered at the company data). Direct telephone numbers of the employer can be entered at a person.
Tabpage Other
On this tabpage more personal data can be entered.
The fields Opening and Attnd are used when creating a word document.
Tabpage Relations
In the Relations tab, you can find in which capacity and for which relations a person has been entered in Relation management.
The left side of the screen shows a list of relation management files. By selecting a file on the right the related entities will be shown.
By selecting 'All categories' the right side will show all related entities with the role of the person between parentheses.
By double clicking with the left mouse button on an entity the corresponding relation management screen will be opened.
When the 'Only show active relations' checkbox is activated relations with an end date and relations to inactive entities will be excluded from the list.
The button <Print all categories> creates an excel file with all related entities.
Tabpage mailing
With a checkmark per mailing can be indicated which mailings the person will receive.
A Mailing can be defined via menu Bookkeeping> Relations> Mailing.
For both companies and persons, events, like call appointments and meetings, can be logged.
Events also can be maintained via menu Bookkeeping> Relations> Events.
On the left side of the screen a list of events is shown.
Which events are shown depends on the selection at the bottom of the screen.
Show all
When this option is not checked both events completed and not completed will be shown.
Otherwise only events not completed will be shown.
By all
When this option is checked only events from the same user (Column By) will be shown.
A new event can be added by positioning the cursor on an empty line or via CTRL+N.
The event will be connected automatically to the selected person.
The event can be named in the column Event. In the other columns a selection can be made by using F4.
At the left of the screen the details of the event are shown.
Using the button <Details> a popup screen is shown in which the details can be logged per day.
Documents can be linked to the event by using the <Document> button.
Tabpage Free Fields
The tab page free fields is activated by setting the option Settings> Relations> 'Show tabpage free fields persons'.
The tab page can hold up to 24 fields, which can freely be named and positioned. Via the Supervisor menu> Relations> 'Free Fields persons' a label can be set for each field.
The tabpage Documents can be activated via Settings> Relations> 'show documents per person (restart required)'.
Documents and risk questions regarding persons like passports can be entered in this tabpage.
At type, a table to be maintained by the user can be used.
These documents can also be generated through the document wizards.
Documents can also be saved in the Relationmanagement file F144.