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Debtors need to be created before journal entries, time or invoices can be entered.

In the relation module, data of debtors can be maintained.


Creating a debtor

To create a debtor, a company or a person must be selected first in the relation-module. Under the field Code, a choice box containing options debtor and creditor is displayed. Only one of those options can be selected. As the option debtor is selected, a pop up view appears in which necessary information can be entered to create the debtor. The debtor gets the same code as the relation.

By default relation management will be activated for new debtors. You can prevent this by unchecking the option 'Activate relation management'. Relation management can be activated later if needed.


Deleting a debtor

By selecting a debtor in the debtor screen and pressing Ctrl+D, a debtor can be deleted.

A debtor can only be deleted if no journal entries, time and invoices are made on the concerning debtor.

By blocking the debtor it is made impossible use the debtor for booking, invoicing and time writing.

After creating a new bookyear the debtor can be deleted if no outstanding invoices exist.



In the tab pages, in the field where the cursor is, can be searched for certain values.

By pressing Ctrl+F , in the appearing screen a value can be entered which must be searched.

After executing the search operation, all debtors will be displayed in the pop up screen where this value is found in the concerning field.

By selecting a debtor and then pressing the OK button, the debtor will be selected in the Relation screen.


Tab Page General

- Status

You can only invoice to debtors with the Active status.

With settings> Invoicing> miscel. invoicing, you can define which code is used for the Active status (A or ACT, for example).


- Currency

A debtor can use one currency.

If, for example, you wish to enter a debtor in several currencies, you need to create several debtors for that relation.

The currency of the debtor can not be changed once an entry has been made.


- Fixed counter "opposite" account

The fixed counter "opposite" account is used as default counter account for making entries in the debtor daybook.



This VAT code is used as default VAT code while creating manual journals in the daybook Debtors.

When an invoice is created and booked using the invoice module:

If no VAT is applied for invoicing a debtor, the choosen VAT code shuold have 0 (zero) % VAT.

When the VAT is not 0 (zero) % the VAT will be calculated based on the VAT code at the article.


- VAT id no.

The VAT id number can be printed on the invoice.

The VAT id number is also used when creating the ICP declaration.

In the ICP declarations VAT numbers are rejected if they contain characters other than 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.


Since January 2021 the VAT land code for Northern Ireland Is "XI" in case of VAT declaration within the EU.


- CoC no.

The CoC number can be added to the UBL file of an invoice. That will only happen when the debtor has a Dutch visiting address.


- Salesman(AM)

A debtor can be assigned to a salesperson or account manager (AM).

Then reports per salesperson (account group) can be produced.

When in the Settings> Trust> General the code of the account manager is entered, the Salesman will be synchronized with the account manager in the relation management file F116.


- Service Company

To be able to book invoices in the trust version, a service company needs to be entered.


- Risk

The risk is a table you have to fill in yourself, where you can indicate to which extent you should treat a debtor carefully.


- No client bookk.

The client bookkeeping that belongs to this debtor. This bookkeeping is used when invoices from the service company are automatically posted to the clients administration. See Transfer to client.


- Type

Like companies and persons a type can be definied to group the debtors.

This field is also used in time writing for extra details about the debtor.


- Free fields

Through settings it is possible to give the free fields other names. These fields can be used according to your own judgement.


- Block journals

If the block journals checkbox is switched on, no journals can be created for this debtor.

Also creating an invoice for this debtor will be impossible.


Tab page Invoicing

In the Invoicing tab, other invoicing data are entered:

- Language

The language of the debtor is used to select the article texts on the invoice.

At the settings the choice is made to invoice in the debtor's language.


- Invoice time/ disbursements

Per debtor can be entered when the time registration will be invoiced.

As default a debtor will always be invoiced indicated with monthly.

When this setting is changed to Annual in February only once a year in February an invoice will be created.


- Free amount per year / Invoiced this year

At settings, you can choose to partly not invoice time amounts. If you make this choice, you need to enter per debtor how much the free amount per year comes to and when the last day for the free amount is. If this day has arrived, the invoiced amount is set to zero when invoicing. When invoicing time, the invoiced amount is increased.

When a change to a new bookkeeping year is made, field Invoiced this year is set to zero. Report Free time per debtor displays a list of debtors with the free amount , invoiced this year and the invoices.

NOTE. When there will be invoiced for the upcoming bookyear, calculations will be made with the Free amount set for the current year.


- Different time rates

By default the time rates are derived from the user and the activity. If you wish to deviate from this for a debtor, you can choose a different time rate (group).

The different time rat does not go for disbursements.


- Send invoice per

The field Send Invoice Per can be printed on the invoice and can be used, for example, to sort the invoices in an optional order. The same goes for the Payment By field.


- Cost centre

If the cost centre is entered and the opposite account is a cost type general ledger this cost centre will be used during invoicing for the opposite account.
The cost centre will also be used at the opposite account journal when an invoice is booked manually in a daybook of the debtors type.


-  Invoice time / date change

If the invoice time checkbox is switched on, written time can be invoiced.

The date field can be used on reports.


- Invoice disbursements

If the invoice disbursements checkbox is switched on, disbursements can be invoiced.


- Print time specification

If the print time specification is switched on, a time specification will be printed for this debtor after booking an invoice.


- Block time writing

If the block time writing checkbox is switched on, registration of time and disbursements will not be possible for this debtor.


- Block invoicing

If the block invoicing checkbox is switched on, invoicing will not be possible for this debtor.


- Block reminders

If the block reminders checkbox is switched on, this debtor will be excluded from the reminders.


- Case time registration required

Forces a case to be entered when time is registered for this debtor.


- Different layout

The report layout of invoices, the cover letter and the time specification are chosen at the settings. A different layout can be entered per debtor. A layout need to be created with Crystal or Dataflex reports and saved in the Mill7\reports\custom folder.


Tab page Addresses

The invoice address and the cover letter address can be entered.

The invoice address is the address which is printed on the invoice. The name of the debtor is used in the address by default.

If the checkbox Name company instead of debtor is checked, the name of the company that goes with address will be used.

The cover letter is the address where the invoice, time specification and reminders are send to.


When also a person is selected the Attn. of the person is includes in the Address. When this is not filled the Name of the person will be used.


Tab page Outstanding invoices

Outstanding invoices for the debtor will be shown here. Activating All invoices allows for showing all paid invoices as well.

The table shows all kind of information related to the invoices. The number of reminders that have been made are mentioned at the extreme right.


The button <Edit note> give access to notes attached to the outstanding invoices for creating, editing, viewing and deleting.


With the button <Display invoice> the originating invoice can be viewed.


Tab page journals

Here all journals related to the debtor will be shown. They can reveal how outstanding amounts have been built up.


Tab page Periodical Invoices

In the Periodical invoices tab, fixed fees can be entered if you do not have the relation management module.

These periodical invoices can be entered in screen Invoicing time, disbursements and fixed fees.


Tab page Collection


Diff paymentcondition

The term for the expiry dates of outstanding invoices for this debtor can be entered here. This term is used to determine the due date when creating the debtors journal entry. When nothing is entered the default term in the settings is used.


In the Collection tab, data can be entered for Clieop03 and SEPA collection.


In 2014 Clieop03 has been replaced by SEPA.


The following fields are obligated for SEPA Direct Debit collection:

Bank account

Collection name

Collection city

Collection from




Mandaat ID

This field is used at automatic payments for payment type SEPA to determine the Mandaat ID.


First collection

When a debtor is collected for the first time this option has to be set.
After being collected the option is automatically set off.