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Events like phone calls and appointments can be registered in Relations in the tabpage Events at companies and persons but also via menu Bookkeeping> Relations> Events.


At companies and persons only events for the selected company or person can be maintained.

In the screen Events all actions can be maintained.


The screen Events is build up in three parts.

At the top a list of events is shown.

At the bottom left are the input fields of the selected event.

At the bottom right is the memo block with all detail lines of the selected event.


A new event can be made by using CTRL+N.

An event can be changed by selecting it from the list.


Sorting, filtering and searching events

Sorting, filtering and searching events are function of the events list.

By clicking with the left mouse button on a column header the events are sorted. Another click on the same header reverses the sorting order.

Filters are maintained via the right mouse button menu. Several filters can be active simultaneously.

Searching values in the list can be done by pressing CTRL+F. The search term will be searched for in the events descriptions.

It is also possible to search for terms used in details texts. For that purpose use the Search in details button.

The seach function window will show all events that comply to the search criterium. After selecting one of the events and clicking the OK button the events will be opened. When the event is not present within the selection set by the filters all active filters will be dropped.


Filter options

Filters are complementary making it possible to create a filter on values in multiple columns.

The column header will show the remark "(Filtered)" when a filter is applied.


Het onderhouden van filters wordt gedaan met behulp van het contextmenu dat wordt opgeroepen door met de rechtermuisknop op een kolom in de lijst te klikken.


Filters can be maintained via the context menu, which will popup when rightclicking a column in the list.


Options are:

Filter on selected value; Adds a filter to the existing filter based on the selected value in the column.

Remove filter on this column; Removes the filter on this column from the existing filter.

Remove all filters; All events will be visible, no filter is active.

Access filter menu current column; Shows a visual filter screen for the active column.




This is a unique number bound to an event. After deleting an event the number can be appointed to a new event in the future.



Enter a brief description of the event. THis could also be a code or a number.

This field is not mandatory but can be used to easily identify the event. With the search function CTRL+F a search screen pops up to search for a string in this field in all events. After executing the search operation, all records will be displayed where this value is found.

By selecting the record and then pressing the OK button, the concerning record will become active in the event screen.



Enter the company related to the event.



Enter the person related to the event.


Subject and Subject2

An event can have two subjects, subject and subject2 .

By pressing F4 a selection can be made from a selection list. Extra codes can be added by pressing the <Maintenance> button in the selection list.



A date can be entered to indicate when the event must be completed. F4 presents a calendar.



Enter the Mill7 user for this event. The user code of the current user is entered by default.

F4 presents a selection of Mill7 users.



Enter a date to indicate the event is completed. F4 will present a calendar.



Documents can be linked to an event by entering a link to the location where the document is saved.

Choose docno and press F4 to select the path to the document.


Printing events

By using the <Print> button a .txt file will be created with the contents of the memo block.

The text file will be opened automatically.



All details are shown in the memo block.

The details are sorted on date, showing the latest details first.

Details can not be edited in the memo block.

By using the button <Details> a pop up screen will appear to add and modify details.



The date of the detailed-events.



The Mill7 user who executed or entered the detailed event.



The type of event that has to be executed. By pressing F4 a selection can be made from a list of type of events.

Extra types of events can be added by pressing the <Maintenance> button in the selection list.



The description of the event can be entered in the right side of the screen.


Printing details

By using the <Print> button a .txt file will be created with the contents of the selected detail record only.

The text file will be opened automatically.