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All kinds of documents, like for example Ms-Word or Ms-Excel documents, Outlook messages and PDF files, can be included in Mill7.


The document itself is not saved in Mill7. Only a link to the location of the document will be saved.


Documents can be linked to time lines, events, daybook pages and to all relation management files.


In relation management documents are linked via the Documents tab.


On the screens Book, Events, tab Events companies and persons, Write time per date and Time per debtor, documents are linked via ALT+F or with the document button gele map.


The document screen

A list of linked documents is displayed.


Link a document

By pressing F4 in the list, a document can be looked up to be saved.
The description of the document is filled with the filename but can be re-entered manual.


Open a document

A document can be opened by pressing the 'open'-button.


Delete a document

The link to a document can be deleted with CTRL+D. The document itself is not deleted.


Be careful:

Be sure that the location of the files can be reached the same way by every user. Do not use local hard discs for example.


Don't change the location of a file after it is linked in Mill7. The document can no longer be found.