Time registration

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Time registration

Time registration is started by pressing the button time or through menu Administration> Time> Time registration.


Time is registered per day in the tab page 'Time per date'.

It is also possible to write time in the tabpage 'Time per debtor' which comes in handy by correcting invoices.

Users can approve the time written in the tabpage Approve time.



This field indicates the user that writes the time.

It is also possible to write time for other users. The right to write for other users can be entered in the screen User maintenance in the field 'Writes for users'.

Writing time for another user take into account the settings of that user but not that user's rights.



By pressing F4 a calendar appears with the days of the month.

Days can be displayed in different colors.

- Grey means that time is registered on that day.

- Green means that the day is completely accounted for.

The calendar can also be activated from anywhere in the window by pressing ALT+K.


If in the settings Time the option 'Enter time chronological' is on users have to write time for the previous day first.

Users with the option 'Approve time per weektotal' should write the hours of the previous week first.


Total time

The time that the user has written on a certain date is displayed next to the date.



All time is registered on a debtor. When a debtor is blocked for time writing, it is not possible to register time on this debtor.

By pressing F4 a selection list will be activated with available debtors that are not blocked.

It is also possible to select a debtor by entering (a part) of the code or name of the debtor. A list of debtors will be shown whose 1st position of the code meets the entered selection. When no debtors are found a list of debtors will be shown whose 1st position of the search name meets the entered selection.

See also the topic 'Status debtors'.



All time is registered for a certain activity. An article and a general ledger account are linked to this activity.

The article is used for display on the invoice and to determine if surcharges or free time should be applied.

When at activity an article is entered at <Time previous bookyear> this time will be shown separately on the invoice and booked an a separate account.


The settings for surcharges and free time can be made in the settings window.

Here also can be indicated which range of activities apply to sickness and holidays.


Because Mill7 works with ranges (from / until) it is advisable to take this in consideration when creating the activities.

For example: When creating articles for disbursements define codes that start with a V like VFAX.

For example: When creating activities for illkness and holidays define codes that start with a Z like ZSICK and ZHOL.

This makes it easier to enter the ranges that apply to Disbursements, Surcharges, Free time, Holidays and sickness.


It also makes it easier to create logical rates.


In the window Maintenance of the users can be entered on which activities a user is allowed to register time.

These activities can be entered in two different ways, which can be set in the settings (tab page Time).


1. Default (Enter activities user per activity is not activated)

In the field Activity in the window Maintenance of the users all first letters of the activities allowed are entered.

For example AL means that only activities that start with an "A" or "L" are allowed.


2. Alternative (Enter activities user per activity is activated)

The complete activity must be entered instead of the first letter of the activity.

The activities allowed can be selected from a selection list by pressing F4.



The column F indicates the status of the records: L: Invoice later J: To invoice N: Do not invoice en F: Invoiced.

When invoice later is indicated, the registered time will not be invoices until the status is changed to J.

This can be done manually or by using the option Change time status in the supervisor menu.



The time spent on a certain activity for a certain debtor.

If time should be rounded off when entering the time adjust the settings in tab page Time of the settings.



The amount is determined by the rate that is entered at the user (default).

When a different rate is applicable to a debtor enter this rate in the maintenance screen of the debtor.

A different rate per debtor cannot be used for activities that apply to disbursements.


While writing time a message will appear at entires that should be billed but for which no rate is found.
By enabling the setting 'Ignore rate 0 during time writing' this message will not be shown.



This column can be suppressed through the settings tab page Time.


If cases are entered for a debtor these cases can be used when writing time.

When at a debtor a case is set default this case will be filled in automatically during time writing.

During time writing a user can only change a case when he has the sufficient rights.


At case a different rate can be entered.

Also it is possible to set a maximum time or a maximum amount for a case.

If during timewriting the maximum is exceeded a message will appear.

The time line will automatically adjusted till the available space. The multiple time is written on a separate line with time status L.

The check on maximum will not be performed while copying time.



Different rights apply to the screen Time registration:

- Change time registration per debtor

- Change invoice status time

- Change approved time

- Change time rates of activities charged per hour

- Change time rates of activities charged per activity


Direct and indirect time

Indirect time (activities that are not charged) must be registered on a debtor related to a firm of the type service company.

Direct time (activities that are charged) must be registered on a debtor related to firm other than a service company.

To check if direct and indirect time is entered according these rules can be done in the settings tab page Time:

- Only register direct time to clients.

- Only register indirect time to service companies.


Approving time

Time that is approved cannot be changed or deleted.



A different way of writing time is by using the stopwatch.

This stopwatch can be started several times through menu Administration -> Time -> Stopwatch or by pressing Ctrl+7.

The time is always registered in the most recent bookkeeping.

The description of the time line can be entered at the stopwatch when in the settings the option 'Description in stopwatch' is activated.


Spread time over debtors.

When a time record is created the time can be spread over several debtors by pressing Ctrl+K.

Press F4 to select a debtor. Press <Ok> to commit the changes.

All debtors will get a same amount. This can result in a difference with the original number of hours.

Example 1: spread 2.3 hours over 34 debtors each debtor will get 0.07 hours a total of 2.38 hours

Example 2: spread 2.3 hours over 36 debtors each debtor will get 0.06 hours a total of 2.16 hours


If the column Case is activated, the case can be selected in the screen "Spread time over debtors"


Copy time

The time entered on a line can be copied to other days by the menu under the right mouse button.

A date from and until can be entered to copy the time entered. Within this range the days that are applicable can be entered. By default the days that should be written according to the settings for the user, are selected.

At copying time the check on maximum per case will not be performed.



For each time record the creation date and last date changed are saved.

These data can be used on the reports time and invoicing.