Time dashboard debtors

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Time dashboard debtors

The screen <Time per debtor> shows a list of all hours and disbursements per debtor.

This screen is only available when the user has the right <View time registration per debtor>. Users who also have the right <Change time registration per debtor> are allowed to change time.


The supervisor can use this screen and the screen <Time totals> to check and where necessary correct the time before approving time for invoicing.


The fields <To invoice> and <Amount> shows the total time and amount to be invoiced. They are based at all time records with status J from the selected debtor taking into account an entered selection on article, case or activity.


With the option <All > and <Status> selections can be made of which time records are shown on the list.

The column F corresponds with the option status:

L: Invoice later

J: To invoice

N: Do not invoice

F: Invoiced


An extra selection can be done on Article, Case or Activity.

Now the fields <To invoice> and <Amount> shows the  time and amount to be invoiced based at all time records with status J from the selected article, case or activity.

When the case filter is checked with the case value <empty> all time records will be shown for which no case is filled in.


Time records which have already been invoiced or allocated to a draft invoice will appear in grey when selected and can not be changed.


The invoice number will shown at the bottom of the screen for time records which are already invoiced.


By pressing Ctrl + T in the screen, The active time record will be opened in the screen Time per date.


Divide time

With the function <Divide time> time with status J can be split in 2 parts, one billable and one non billable.

The function can be started by pushing the right mouse button or with CTRL+U.

Two time records will be created. The time record for non billable time will receive status J and timerate 0.00.

This way the total amount of billable time at the user will remain unchanged.

