Shared files

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Shared files

In the Trust version of Mill7 all service companies share the same relations, time entries and invoices.


A service company is an internal bookkeeping that sends the invoices to the clients.

Other bookkeepings are called client bookkeepings. Client bookkeepings cannot share files.

Shared files are stored in the directory of the main bookkeeping.


Files are stored to a separate folder for each fiscal year, allowing to clear redundant data in a new year.

There is a directory for each year for each bookkeeping in the Mill7\Comp folder.

For each year one main bookkeeping exists. This is the service company that other service companies depend on.


There are three locations where files are opened.

1. The Data directory

These files have the $ symbol in the DataFlex file display name.

Examples: Users and Rights.


2. For the Trust version: The directory of the main bookkeeping, other versions per bookkeeping directory.

These files have the @ symbol in the DataFlex file display name.

Examples: Firms, Persons, Mailing, Debtors, Memos, Time, Relation Management files and Codemast (for tables and settings).


3. The bookkeeping directory

Examples: Daybooks, General Ledger accounts, Journals.