Updating Mill7

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Updating Mill7

Part of our support is the release of free updates.

Updates are issued every year in April and October to meet the requirements of our clients and technical requirements.


Every new version will receive a new letter followed by 1 for the first release like 7.6D.1 in April 2019.

In a period of three months after that release, Millogic may issue one or two updates with new functionalities and bug fixes.

Those updates will receive a higher number with the same letter, like 7.6D.2 and 7.6D.3.

The version of October 2019 will have number 7.6E.1 and so on.


The latest version of Mill7 can be installed also as earlier versions were skipped.


To check which Mill7 version is used go to Help> Version info or use ALT+I.

With the <Check update> button it is possible to check for newer versions and to read the release notes.


Database changes

Database changes will only be applied in the updates of April and October and affect all bookkeepings.

After installing an update with a different letter in the version number the database conversion is executed automatically when Mill7 is started again.

Depending on the amount of bookkeepings in the installation the procedure can take up minutes (20 bookkeepings) up to several hours (2000 bookkeepings).


Download and installing update

The update procedure is described in Supervisor > Update Mill7.