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With this import function new companies can be created and existing companies can be changed.
The import function can also be used to create or change debtors and creditors.
The following fields can be allocated:
1. Code
2. Name *
3. Postal address
4. Postal house no.
5. Postal Address line 2
6. Postal Address line 3
7. Postal Address line 4
8. Postal zip code
9. Postal city
10. Postal country
11. Address
12. House no.
13. Address line 2
14. Address line 3
15. Address line 4
16. Postal code
17. City
18. Country
19. Tel
20. Fax
21. WWW
22. E-mail
23. Debtor **
24. Bank account
25. Deb type
26. Free field 1
27. Free field 2
28. Free field 3
29. Free field 4
30. Creditor **
* Required for new companies
** When both fields Debtor and Creditor are entered a debtor will be created.
It is not possible to change an existing debtor into a creditor or vice versa.
The Code must be unique for companies and persons.
When no Code is entered or when the Code doesn't exist a new company will be created.
When no code is entered the code Mill7 will generate the Code in accordance with the 'Company mask' in the settings.
When the code already exists, the data in Mill7 will be overwritten with the data in the import file.
When a field in the import file is blank the corresponding field in Mill7 will not be changed.
When Debtor is entered the firm will automatically become a debtor.
The debtor code in Mill7 will be the same as the imported Code or as the Code determined by Mill7.
The value in the import field debtor will not be used as debtor code.
If the company is a debtor already, the debtor data in Mill7 will be overwritten with the data in the import file.
When a field in the import file is blank the corresponding field in Mill7 will not be changed.
Multiple debtor diagrams may exist. New debtors will always be created within the first diagram.
When importing debtors in service companies (only available in the Mill7 Trust version) relation management will be activated by default.
When Creditor is entered the firm will automatically become a creditor.
The creditor code in Mill7 will be the same as the imported Code or as the Code determined by Mill7.
The value in the import field creditor will not be used as creditor code.
If the company is a creditor already, the creditor data in Mill7 will be overwritten with the data in the import file.
When a field in the import file is blank the corresponding field in Mill7 will not be changed.
Multiple creditor diagrams may exist. New creditors will always be created within the first diagram.