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The maintenance of general ledgers is started by menu Maintenance> Financial> General ledger.
Every general ledger is identified by a unique number.
The chart of accounts determines the maxiumum length of the general ledger number (see diagrams)
The general ledger numbers cannot be changed in this window.
To change a general ledger number use the functionChange General ledger in the Bookkeeping> Financial menu or use the Import type Rename chart of account.
When a journal is booked on this number, the record cannot be deleted either.
Search code
The code is copied by default from the number, but can be changed.
Balance code with positive balance and Balance code with negative balance
These are the balance codes used to condense general ledger accounts in the balance.
Links between general ledger accounts and balance codes can also be made in the maintenance screen for balance code tables.
The balance code table applied is set in Settings > Book > General > 'Table balance codes'.
When no balance codes are being displayed in this screen it means that links are missing for the account.
The 'Balance code with pos. balance' is also used in case the amount on the General ledger is negative and 'Balance code with neg. balance' is not entered.
By entering a cost type at a general ledger account, the account becomes a cost type account. Subsequently, it is obligatory to enter a cost centre when making entries.
Changes of this field are not applied to existing journals.
To do this, use one of the following functions:
–Supervisor> Book> Fill default cost centre in journals
–Administration> Financial> Change general ledger> Transfer journals
Year amount budget
The Year amount budget is used for budgeting. Enter the budget for the entire year.
For costs it should be entered positive, for revenues negative.
Table budget distribution formula
The budget distributive formula table refers to the table with the division of the budget per period.
Acc. no. forwarded payment
The field account number forwarded Payment is used in the trust version for receipt of payments in the bank book of invoiced returns in the general ledger account; they are transferred to the Forwarded Payment Account .
Default VAT code
This field is used to determine the VAT preference when bankbooks entries are made.
Costs accounts need to be set to 'on purchase at VAT' codes, profits accounts to 'on sales'.
Default Debit/Credit
Used to determine the preference column in the bankbooks.
Costs accounts need to be set to Debit, profits accounts to Credit.
With the checkbox block , accounts can be blocked, to prevent manual booking on the account.
Change in all service companies
By checking this option changes made on the screen will be applied to all other service companies aswell.
This option must be set in order to revaluate the general ledger account.
Account revaluation
When the result of the revaluation must be booked on a different account number as entered in the revaluation, this field must be entered.
Account consolidation
This field can be used to book the journals of the bookkeeping on a different account number in a consolidation.
When the account number does not exist in the consolidation, it will be created.
Tab Reporting
These fields can be used in the report module on financial reports like General ledger an daybook journals.
The fields External code 1 and External code/description can be used in the XML audit file.