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As from 2016 companies with business class micro and small can only deposit their financial statements at the Chamber of Commerce (CoC) digitally.
This can be done manually on the website of the CoC or through SBR with an XBRL file.
Mill7 supports the creating and depositing from annual reports through XBRL for business class micro and small.
It concerns both commercial and fiscal basis of preparation and singular condensation.
The function can be started via menu Bookkeeping> Financial> CoC Netherlands.
This function is only available for Mill7 Pro and Mill7 Trust.
When you are considering to use this functionality please contact the Millogic helpdesk.
The function can only be used for client bookkeepings.
Please contact our helpdesk when you like to use this function for internal bookkeepings as well.
Only users with the Financial right 'File annual accounts Netherlands' are authorized to run this function.
The following subjects are explained below.
–Adjusting a balance code table
–Start depositing annual accounts
–Tab: Additional data (disclosures and signatures)
– Creating declaration in XBRL file
–Tab: Declaration (review and sending)
–Declaration through a third party
Adding XBRL labels to a balance code table
The declaration will normally be made after the bookkeeping is ready and the balance in Mill7 is correct.
To be able to create a XBRL file suitable for the CoC the Mill7 balance must be mapped to pre-described XBRL balance codes in a balance code table.
Balance code tables are maintained with the function Maintenance> Financial> Balance codes.
The option 'Show CoC XBRL labels' in Maintenance> Settings> Book> Other will display extra columns on the 'Ranges and XBRL settings' tab of Maintenance> Financial> Balance codes. These two columns can be used in the Netherlands for the Chamber of Commerce XBRL declaration.
Press F4 in the XBRL {current declaration year} column to show a list with XBRL labels and names for business classes micro or small.
In this list the label names in the second column are presented in a logical sequence to use in the balance sheet.
The XBRL {previous declaration year} column can be maintained in the same way, but the links for the previous year have no part in the declaration for the current year. The column can be useful as a reference when filling in the links of the new declaration year.
The top level XBRL labels "Assets" and "Equity and Liabilities" should always be linked to top level sub-headers.
The "Assets" and "Equity and Liabilities" labels are divided into sub-labels.
As a general rule, these labels will be linked to lower levelled sub-headers.
Some XBRL sub-labels are subdivided further.
In most cases these detailed labels should be linked with balance codes, but they can also be linked with sub-headers.
When detail labels are present they should be linked with balance codes and not with the sub-headers at the higher levels.
–An XBRL label can be linked several times with different items of one table.
–All balance codes with amounts must be linked with XBRL labels.
When all balance codes of a sub-header should be linked with the same XBRL label, the XBRL label can be linked with the sub-header instead.
–When an XBRL label is linked with a sub-header, no XBRL labels may be linked with the underlying balance codes.
–When an XBRL label is linked with a balance code, no XBRL labels may be linked with the parent sub-headers.
Furthermore, all sibling balance codes of the same parent sub-header should be linked to XBRL labels as well.
–XBRL labels should not be linked to sub-headers and balance codes simultaneously.
The function 'Filing annual accounts CoC Netherlands' is started from the menu Bookkeeping> Financial> CoC Netherlands.
The screen consists of four tabs representing the stages of the depositing process.
The two buttons at the lower left corner are used for navigating between the tabs.
The <Close> button will close the function. All data entered will be saved for the next time the function is executed.
On this tab the general information of the administration must be filled.
Company data
The following data is extracted automatically from the company data.
–Visiting address, house no, postal code, city
–CoC number
The address fields and CoC number can be edited and saved by using the <Edit> button.
The saved information is also saved in the administration itself and will be shown on the screen company data next time the administration is opened.
The company fields, including the name, also can be adjusted through the screen company data. Using the <Edit> button the data is retrieved and used in the filing of the annual accounts.
Business class
Specifies which business class applies.
Mill7 only supports Micro and Small.
Basis of preparation
Specifies which basis of preparation applies.
Mill7 only supports Commercial and Fiscal.
Mill7 only supports singular condensation.
Contact person
Using F4 a person can be selected from the list Relations> Persons.
For this person the following fields are required: Name, Initials and/or First name, Tel.work direct and E-mail.
After receiving the annual accounts deposit the Chamber of Commerce will send a confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address of this person.
Organisation of contact person
Using F4 a company can be selected from the list Relations> Companies.
For this company the following fields are required: Name.
Type of contact person
This can only be an entrepreneur or an intermediary.
Table balance codes.
The balance sheet will be created using this balance code table. By default this field contains the balance code table set at Settings> Book> General>.
This table must contain XBRL labels.
<New declaration>
This button will activate the tab 'Balance sheet'.
A declaration file in XBRL can be created at tab 'Additional data' and send at tab 'Declaration'.
The status of the declaration files is shown in the mailbox at the right side of tab 'General data'.
<View declaration>
With this button the details of the selected declaration will be presented on the screen. There are three options:
- View the declaration XBRL file (format is .xbrl)
- View the declaration in HTML format (format is .html)
- View the balance sheet in Excel format (format is .xml)
Which programs are used for these forms depends on the Windows file association settings.
<Check status>
With the <Check status> button the status of the selected declaration will be retrieved.
When no status is shown the declaration has been sent, but a confirmation has not yet been received.
The statuses 'Rejected' and 'Delivered' refer to the technical aspects of the file, not to the contents of the declaration.
The 'Failed' status indicates that the declaration needs to be sent again.
The second tab shows the balance sheet for this year and the previous year.
When the totals are not in balance or the XBRL labels are not used the right way an error message is presented with an explanation. The lines with error messages are displayed in red.
The XBRL labels "Assets" and "Equity and Liabilities" should always be included in the balance sheet. The categories in black in the lines beneath these two labels are subdivisions. Further detailing is shown in green.
The totals of the details must balance with the amount shown at the sub-level.
The sub-level totals must balance with the amounts shown at Assets and Equity and Liabilities.
View Mill7 balance sheet
By default the balance sheet is shown with the XBRL descriptions.
By checking <View Mill7 balance sheet> the balance sheet is presented with the Mill7 balance code descriptions.
The presentation is than equal to the screen 'Balance and P&L'.
Rows in the balance code table connected to a XBRL label will have the label description shown between brackets.
This option can be used to check if balance codes are linked to the correct XBRL code.
This button will activate tab 'General data'.
This button will activate tab 'Additional data'.
With this button the balance sheet is presented in Excel.
Columns for the previous year
The settings provide an option to apply the balance codes settings of the accounts in the previous bookyear, instead of the current bookyear, for the presentation of the figures of the previous bookyear.
Company type
This field is mandatory.
Choose from a list of prescribed company types (BV, NV, CV, VOF, etc.).
With the business class small the average number of employees within and outside The Netherlands must be filled in.
Balance sheet before or after appropriation results
This field is mandatory.
Annual accounts approved
This field is mandatory.
Possible values are:
This allows for a preliminary filing. The field 'Annual accounts approval date' is not entered.
The annual account is approved and ready for final filing. The field 'Annual accounts approval date' must been entered.
Set Resubmission to "No" at the first approved deposit.
Preparation date
This field is mandatory.
Approval date
If 'Annual accounts approved' is "Yes" the 'Approval date' is mandatory.
This field is mandatory.
When the balance sheet is already finally deposited and a correction should be made this field must be set to "Yes". In that case 'Annual accounts approved' should also be set to "Yes"and the 'Annual accounts approval date' must be filled.
Several kinds of disclosures can be added to the declaration.
Entered text can be saved or deleted with the buttons <Save text> and <Delete text>.
The buttons <Next text> and <Previous text> looks up disclosures with entered text.
The <Print> button shows all disclosures with entered text in excel.
This information is mandatory. Up to 9 signatories can be added to the declaration.
When signing has not taken place the 'Location of signing' and the 'Date of signing' will have to stay empty and the 'Reason why the director did not sign' must be provided. This last field should remain empty when the field 'Signed (Y/N)' is set to "Yes".
Entered data can be saved or deleted with the buttons <Save> and <Delete>.
The tab <Balance sheet> is activated.
With the button <Create declaration> the XBRL file will be created.
This button can only be used when the Mill7 license is extended with the option "XBRL CoC".
Would you make use of this functionality please contact the Millogic helpdesk.
A number of checks will be carried out by Mill7 to check if all information is correct and complete.
Errors will be displayed and the process will be stopped.
The preview and the PDF document that will be returned in response to the declaration created and sent can be written in English or in Dutch.
A pop-up screen will provide the two options. The preferred language, set for each Mill7 user, will be the default language.
The XBRL file will be created by connecting to the Millogic web server.
When errors occur an error message will appear and the process will be stopped.
If a connection to the web server cannot be established please try it again later.
After the XBRL file has been created it will be saved in the B-folder of the bookkeeping and the tab Declaration will be activated.
This tab is only available after the creation of the XBRL file in tab 'Additional data'.
The tab page shows a preview of the declaration in HTML format.
This button activates the tab 'Additional data'. The XBRL file is added to the Mailbox at tab page General with the status 'Not sent'.
<Send declaration>
With this button the declaration is send to the CoC.
The button can only be used when the Mill7 license is extended with the option "Send CoC".
Would you make use of this functionality please contact the Millogic helpdesk.
A number of checks will be carried out by Mill7 to check if all information is correct and complete.
Errors will be displayed and the process will be stopped.
When no errors are found a confirmation will be asked to continue the depositing.
The depositing will be executed by connecting to the Millogic web server.
When errors occur an error message will appear and the process will be stopped.
If a connection to the web server cannot be established please try it again later.
When sending was successfully the tab General will be activated. The new declaration is added to the mailbox.
After receiving the financial statements the Chamber of Commerce will send a confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address of the contact person.
This button opens the HTML browser outside Mill7.
Sending declaration through a third party
Instead of sending XBRL files with Mill7 XBRL files created by Mill7 may be sent by using SBR software from a third party software engineer.
For example, the Accept SBR Communicator.
Information and prices can be obtained from http://www.acc.nl/SBR-Verzenden-met-Accept-2834 (Dutch).
The XBRL file can be found in the administration folder.