Distribution notices

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Distribution notices

The function Distribution notices is part of the Funds module and is started through menu Bookkeeping> Funds.


With a distribution notice an amount is distributed to participants.

Hereby the amount is divided in different sub amounts based on the waterfall method.

A detailed description of the waterfall method is found here.


Detailed information about previous distribution notices and capital calls can be viewed in the funds manager.


The result of a notice can be sent by e-mail to all participants.


Tab page Selection

This contains the initial settings of a notice.


- Fund

The fund the distribution notice is for.


- Date

Date of the distribution notice.

- Description

If this field is left blank then it will be filled automatically with the name of the fund followed by the text "Distribution notice" and the date of the notice.


- Amount

Total amount to be distributed.


Tab page Proposal

The proposal shows how the distribution amount is divided over the participants.


- Invested

The total invested amount according to the last call.


- Pro rata

The percentage of the participant's invested amount in relation to the total amount invested by all participants.


- Prev. distributions

The total amount distributed according to the previous notice.


- Curr. distribution

The participant's share of the amount to be distributed in the new notice.


- Total fees

The participant's share of fees in the new notice.


- Net distribution

Curr. distribution minus fees.



An Excel report is created with a detailed sheet per capital call and distribution notice including the notice in the proposal.

More information about the report details are described in the funds manager.