Time and Invoicing (Supervisor)

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Time and Invoicing (Supervisor)

In the Supervisor menu, submenu Time and Invoicing a different kind of recover functions can be started concerning the Time- and Invoice module.


An explanation for each recover function will follow next.


Note: Before executing one of these recover functions make a back up first.


Recalc time totals

This function needs to be executed if mutations took place concerning users working hours. These hours can be entered in the Supervisor menu, submenu Users, tabpage time.

If the hours have been changed this function must be executed. After executing this function the new hours will be applied when tme is being approved. This function affects all users and the whole bookyear.

Before executing this function make a back up first.


Recover time texts

This function can be executed if the article code has been changed for one or more activities.

When time is written the article code is saved to the time record. Through maintenance at activity an other article can be added. Existing time entries are not affected by these changes. With the 'Recover time texts' function the current article code will be applied to existing time entries. Time entries that have been invoiced, however, will be left untouched.


Change cost price per hour

This function needs to be executed if one or more cost prices of users have to be changed. A date selection can be entered just like a selection of user.

If a cost price is already entered for a user but it must be changed (in supervisor menu, users, tabpage time) the check box "Overwrite existing cost price" must be activated.

Before executing this function make a back up first.


Recalc time rates

This functions needs to be executed if rates of certain activities have to be adjusted.

There are three options:

- Overwrite time rate: Only affects the time written that has not been invoiced.

- Overwrite time status; Only affects the time written that has not been invoiced.

- Overwrite default time rate; Affects all records and can be used to fill the default time rate in a time record. This field is used to report manual adjustments in the time rate.


A selection can be entered for date, activity, debtor and user.

Before executing this function make a back up first.

The function does not take into account the setting 'block time writing'.


Change user in registration

By using this function time registrations by user X can be moved to user Y. In the screen the code of the old user and new user must be entered.

Before executing this function make a back up first.


Change time status

With this function the time status (in the time module) can be adjusted. For example an adjustment from not to be invoiced (N) to to be invoiced (Y). This function can be done per debtor. On top of that a selection can be entered for date, user and status.

Before executing this function make a back up first.

The function does not take into account the setting 'block time writing'.


Set invoice date fees

With this function the invoice date of fixed fees can be set. In the appearing screen the desired month and year of invoicing can be set. The original settings will be overwritten.

Before executing this function make a back up first.