Portfolio Revaluation

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Portfolio Revaluation

This function can be started in menu Bookkeeping> Portfolio> Revaluate.

To revaluate prices of stock have to be entered for the concerning date.

If stock with a different value than the bookkeeping-value exist, currency rates for the concerning date have to be entered as well.


On revaluation unrealized results are calculated.

When stock are sold these unrealized results are reversed and realized results will be calculated instead.


When in the settings the option 'Do not book unrealised gain' is set the unrealised gain on stock and currencies will not be calculated.


An example of calculated unrealised result:

The bookkeeping currency is EUR, whereas the price of stock is in USD.



Price of stock in USD

Rate EUR - USD

Price in stock in EUR










A buy of 10.000,00 EUR took place at 19-7-2003, a number of 112,5 shares.


Revaluation at 21-7-2003 gives the following unrealized  result:


1. Unrealized result on effects


19-07-2003 price of stock in USD: 80,00000

21-07-2003 price of stock in USD: 81,00000


This is a difference of 1 USD per share, in EUR 1/0.9 (against the rate rate on date of purchase) = 1.11

The unrealized result on shares is: 112,5 * 1,11 = 124,87 EUR


2. Unrealized result on currency


The value of the stock is at 21-7-2003: 81.000000 USD


The currency rate was at 7-19-2003 0.900000 and at 7-21-2003 0.987000.

against rate on 19-7-2003:  81,000000 / 0,900000 = 90 EUR

against rate on 21-7-2003: 81,000000 / 0,987000 = 82,066 EUR

the difference per share on 21-7-2003 in EUR is 82,066 - 90 = -7,934


The unrealized result on currency is: 112,5 * -7.934 is -892,57 EUR


3. Total of unrealized result


The total of unrealized result on effects and currency is: 124,87 - 892,57 = -767,70 EUR