Portfolio Prices of Stock

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Portfolio Prices of Stock

In this screen prices of stock can be entered and maintained.

Two different tables are displayed.


1. The standard table

This is the table in which all rates are read on importing.

These rates can only be adjusted by a user who has the rights. The other users can view the standard table but cannot change or add rates.


2. The bookkeeping rate-table

In settings can be set which table is used by a bookkeeping. The prices of stock in this table can be maintained in this screen.


In this screen a selection can be made of rates, shown by the checkbox 'Show rates of used stock only'.

If this checkbox is activated the prices of stock used in the concerning bookkeeping are showed only.


New prices of stock

Press Ctrl+N (or F5) to add new prices of stock. In the appearing screen a date can be entered valid for all prices.


- Used shares only

If the checkbox 'used shares only' is activated, only prices of stock will be created for stock present in the actual bookkeeping (this is the bookkeeping opened at that time). This prevents entering a huge list of prices of stock while in the concerning bookkeeping probably four prices of stock are used, for example.


- Copy rates of standard table

If the checkbox 'copy rates of standard table' is activated, on creating rates the last known price of stock will be copied of the standard table.

If the checkbox is not activated the last known price of stock of the actual rate-table will be copied.


Delete prices of stock

An exchange-date can be deleted by selecting the date and press Ctrl+D.