Import investors

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Import investors

This import function becomes available with the Funds module of Mill7.


The following fields can be allocated.


01. Code *

02. Name

03. Company

04. Web portal

05. Language

06. E-mail address

07. Salutation

08. Telephone

09. Fax

10. Internet

11. Address line 1

12. Address line 2

13. Address line 3

14. Address line 4

15. House no.

16. Zip code

17. City

18. Country

19. Postal address line 1

20. Postal address line 2

21. Postal address line 3

22. Postal address line 4

23. Postal address house no.

24. Postal address zip code

25. Postal address city

26. Postal address country

27. Bank account number

28. Bank name

29. Bank address

30. IBAN number

31. BIC number

32. Bank 2 account number

33. Bank 2 name

34. Bank 2 address

35. Bank 2 IBAN number

36. Bank 2 BIC number

37. VAT number

38. CoC number

39. CoC city

40. To addresses

41. Cc addresses




To add an investor there must be room within the available license volume.


Only the approved lines are processed.


1. Code

The investor code is required.
When the investor code does not yet exist a new investor is created.

When the code already exists, the data in Mill7 will be overwritten with the data in the import file.

When a Mill7 field is not connected to an import field it will be unchanged.
When a connected field in the import file is blank the corresponding field in Mill7 will be cleared.


4. Web portal

The web portal code is required and must exist in Mill7.
This field cannot be cleared.


5. Language

The language code must be 0, 1 or empty. 0 is Dutch (default) and 1 is English.
When left empty it will get the value 0.