Import participants

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Import participants

This import function becomes available with the Funds module of Mill7.


The following fields can be allocated.


1. Fund code *
2. Investor code *

3. Entry date

4. Exit date

5. Commitment

6. GL account

7. Cost center




1. Fund code

The fund code must exist in the current bookkeeping.


2. Investor code

The investor code must exist.

When the combination Fund code - Investor code does not yet exist a new participant for the given Fund code is created.
It is not possible to add a new participant when there is a distribution notice present for the fund.

When the combination already exists, the participant data in Mill7 will be overwritten with the data in the import file.


When a Mill7 field is not connected to an import field it will be unchanged.

When a connected field in the import file is blank the corresponding field in Mill7 will be cleared.


3. Entry date

The entry date is required when the combination Fund code - Investor code does not yet exist.

It may not be cleared when the combination Fund code - Investor code already exist.

An entry date cannot be changed once the participant has received a capital call or when there is a distribution notice present for the fund.


The entry date

must be equal of greater than the start date of the fund

and must be after the date of latest notice of the fund.


4. Exit date

This field can not be used yet.


5. Commitment

The commitment amount must be equal or greater than the 'Initial call threshold' as set for the fund.
The commitment amount cannot be changed once the participant has received a capital call or when there is a distribution notice present for the fund.

6. GL account
The general ledger must exist in the current bookkeeping.


7. Cost center

The cost center must exist in the current bookkeeping.