What's new

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What's new



-New client server reporting for improved performance of reports.

-Drag and drop files for linking documents to journals, time records, relation management information and funds.

-Dedicated default paths added to the settings for each Mill7 module. These paths are used for saving files and linking documents.

-Some bugs have been fixed and stability has been improved.

-Drivers for Outlook have been updated.



-A new option is added to view the VAT declaration in HTML. This works for new declarations made with this version or viewer.

-The functionality of booking intercompany journals, is extended with the option of outstanding invoices of debtors and creditors.

-Added currency code LYD for Lybian Dinar.

-A new option for linking received and processed UBL files to daybook pages automatically.

-Added possibility to insert new daybook pages between existing pages.



-Improved the copy time function.

Added a warning prior to creating more than 10 time records when copying time entries.

-Import Cases is improved with new fields, all explained in the help topic.

-A test button is added to the Change time status function to create a report displaying the time records to be altered.

-The copy time function is improved and a proposal is added.


Relation management

-New field added to Relation Management: Risk to file F146 with selection table 111.

-A new report for events is added to the events screen.

-Changes of company codes and person codes are registered in the change log.



-Added the possibility of creating a capital call after a distribution has been made.

-The option to save notes and links to documents is added for funds, investors, participants and notices.



To view the all changes made in Mill7 please see our Release Notes.




The new online Mill7 web application


The latest version of our Mill7 web application is also available with added functionalities for accounting.

The current functionalities include:

-Online Time registration;

-Online Client information system;

-Online Invoices clients;

-Online VAT and CoC declarations clients;

-Online financial reporting;

-Online events system.