Setting up rights

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Setting up rights

It is import to set up the rights when you start working with Mill7 with more people.


Supervisor user

Mill7 always comes with a free user SUPERV. Be sure to set a password for this user.

This user will always have all rights but will not be able to access the screens where data like journals or time registration are processed.

In the maintenance menu - settings the password can be set to required, forcing all users to use a password.

By entering their e-mail address at the user information, they can always retrieve their password, which will be sent to their e-mail address.



The general rights apply to functionalities and menu options you can execute in Mill7.

Some rights speak for themselves others need explaining.

When you start setting up the rights first create a new rights group, for example number 1, you cannot change group 0.

IMPORTANT: Only the user SUPERV should be set to rights group 0!!


If group 1 already exists you can reset this group by the button reset, all general rights will be activated and set to true.

Be careful, all access rights for bookkeepings are set false.

By first activating all rights in this group you can start working from there.


From this point on start with the most important rights like mentioned underneath.

The idea is to create a group for users with the most rights first. Once this group is finished, the group can be copied to a new group where you can take away the rights for the users with less rights, and so on.


Supervisor rights

First take away the rights to change anything in the Supervisor settings that apply to the complete installation like users, rights, installation path and password settings.

There are different levels:


Access system options.

This will deactivate all system options in Mill7 for the users of this group. This is a general right.

The system options in the supervisor menu will be inaccessible and the system options in the settings will also be inaccessible.

This means no access to the options in the Supervisor menu:

- Users

- Delete bookkeeping

- Program location

- Extend license

- Adjust custom menu

- Update Mill7

- Reindex Mill7

- Send data to Millogic.


In the settings all options for General - System will be inaccessible.


Access supervisor menu

By deactivating this right, a user will not have access to this menu anymore. The user will have access to the system settings.


Access Maintenance settings

If you do not want users to have access to the settings, this option will prevent access to the settings of Mill7 found in menu Maintenance.


Individual system options

When a user should have a little more control, there are individual system rights as well:

- Change rights

- Create and change users


The best options is set the Access system options right to false for all but the application manager.


One special right, financial access to the Internal accounting.

When you use Mill7 for internal accounting as well as client accounting, you do not want users that process financial data for client bookkeepings to be able to look at the financial data of the internal bookkeeping.

They do need open these bookkeepings though to write time and lookup client data so taking away access rights to this bookkeeping all together will limit them too much.


Therefore there is one special and very important right Book in main bookkeeping and service companies.


This will take away the ability to view or change the financial data of the internal bookkeeping(s) except for viewing outstanding invoices of clients.

All other functionalities like time writing, invoices, relations will still be available.


In the Mill7 pro version, this can only be one bookkeeping, set in menu Supervisor - Program location.

For Mill7 Trust, this will apply to all bookkeepings recognized as a service company. This indication is set when a new bookkeeping is created.


Create new bookkeepings

If you do not want users to be able to create a new bookkeeping there are different possibilities:

- Create bookkeeping (menu ) : The complete option to create a bookkeeping will be inaccessible, also creating a new bookyear is not possible.


You can also set individual options like:

- Create a consolidation bookkeeping

- Create a client bookkeeping

- Create a bookkeeping for a service company

- Create an exact copy

- Create an empty bookkeeping ( this can be useful when you want to force users to start a bookkeeping by copying a template bookkeeping).

- Create a new bookyear


Import data

Apart from entering data by using the data entry screens from Mill7, you can import data through the menu option Import in menu Bookkeeping.

Be very careful to grant rights to import data, because importing an incorrect Excel sheet with lots of data can be hard to remove.

It is possible to take away the rights for the complete option:


- Access import menu can be found under type Menu access.


It is possible to specify the rights and grant one or more import options found by type Import.

All options to import are listed there.


Access custom menu

This menu contains custom made programs and reports made by Millogic specific for our clients.

It is possible to create your own custom menu with up to 10 submenu's.

Through the rights all submenu's can be granted rights, this can be found by type menu access.


More detailed rights

From here on the rights become more detailed and often the name of the right pretty much explains their purpose.

Rights are divided to:

- Financial

- Time

- Invoicing

- Relations.


For Mill7 Trust these rights apply mostly to the rights you will have within the Service companies.



For daily users who write time, the right Change time registration per debtor can be set to false.

The user will not be able to enter the screen Time per debtor and Time totals. Also Approve draft invoices will be inaccessible.


It is possible to restrict the user to alter the rate and invoice status of the time written by:

- Change invoice status time

- Change time rates (per activity)

- Change time rates (per hour)

- Change case time


The other rights are used when time approving is executed in Mill7.

A user can be granted the right to change approved time or even undo the approval.