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In this screen the transactions of stock can be entered per bank-daybook.
Press Ctrl+N to add a new transaction.
A transaction is saved by pressing Ctrl+S or replacing the cursor to a next line.
ESC can be pressed to cancel the creation of a transaction.
Type of transaction
Mill7 contains the following type of transactions:
1. Buy
2. Sale
3. Opening balance
4. Stock dividend
5. Interest
6. Short sale
7. Short cover
8. Other bank journals
9. Revaluation
Depending on the type of transaction, a list of stock can be displayed by pressing F4.
This lists shows all active stock. When checkbox 'Used stock only' is activated, the list of stock is reduced to stock used in the actual bookkeeping.
Daybook amount
This is the total amount of the transaction in the currency of the bank (daybook).
The amount of a buy has to be entered negatively.
The amount can be entered with or without commission costs.
The cost price of the stock is influenced when the amount is entered including commission costs.
If this is not desirable, commission must be entered as a separate transaction.
The number of effects concerned with the transaction.
With the help of the number, the cost price of a stock is calculated.
Currency and rate
The currency of a stock can differ from the daybook-currency. If the currency differs, a rate has to be entered to calculate the cost price of the stock in the currency of the stock.
Bookkeeping amount and rate
The transaction-amount will be recalculated to the bookkeeping-currency.
If the bookkeeping-currency equals the daybook-currency the rate is 1. This rate will not be shown. If both currencies do not equal, the rate of the daybook-currency compared to the bookkeeping-value must be entered.
In this field the costs in a transaction can be entered. In the settings a genral ledger account can set for these costs.
If a transaction has been reconciliated, it will get status booked.
This transaction cannot be changed or removed.
Different currency
By pressing Ctrl+K or by using the rightmouse-button a different currency can be entered. In the appearing screen the price of stock or the total amount can be entered. If the 'OK'-button is pressed this amount will be recalculated to the daybook-currency.
This is only possible if the transaction is one of type Buy, Sale or Opening balance.