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By using the right mouse button or CTRL+U in the daybook Creditors the view create disbursements is activated.

This is only possible when the selected journal entry is a general ledger and is not booked in a daybook debtors.

Disbursements can only be booked in the latest bookyear of a bookkeeping (just like time writing).


The disbursements are charged by invoicing time, disbursements and fixed fees.




In the view create disbursements , disbursements can be created for several debtors. The sum of journals and the entered disbursements are shown at the bottom of the view. When a new record is added, the difference between the amount journal and the amount disbursements is set as default in the amount-column.

Using the button <Spread amount journal> the amount is equally divided about the debtors.


The distribution of disbursements on debtors can no longer be changed if one of the debtors has already been invoiced.


Disbursements come as timerecords at the user who created the disbursements.

The invoice status of disbursements in which also a case is entered is determined by the activity and not by the case.


Foreign currency

The amounts entered in the view can be for debtors with different currencies. The amounts shown as default will not be recalculated to the currency of the debtor but to the currency of the daybook. If amounts are entered for debtors with a different currency than the currency of the daybook the user himself has to recalculate these amounts to the debtors' currency.


In the list with activities only activities regarding disbursements are shown. Entered disbursements can be deleted or altered afterwards until they are invoiced.

The journal entry can not be changed anymore once disbursements are entered. To change the journal entry first the disbursements must be removed.


Journal entries that are charged to clients by using disbursements can be checked by the report Disbursements charged.