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The custom made menu can be used to run custom made programs, reports and wizards.
This menu can be edited using the menu Supervisor > Adjust custom menu.
Changes to the menu will take effect immediately when the file is saved.
An example of the content:
Make prospect,Make prospect.wzr
Edit this menu,Notepad.exe Menu
submenu3,Custom-made reports,#2#3#
Acceptation report,Accept.rpt
Submenu4,Reports and queries
Outstanding invoices reminder,Outstanding invoices reminder.rap
By using a submenu users can categorize custom items (custom made programs, reports and wizards). These can be defined as often as needed and can also be defined within another submenu.
To define a submenu start with the word "Submenu", followed by a comma and the name of the menu. The line "End_submenu" is used to define the closure of a menu.
Extra notes regarding this chapter:
–Adding a number to the word submenu isn't mandatory but can be useful for the overview of the menu.
–For each submenu it is also possible to define the group(s) that have permission to that menu, for more information see the "Rights" chapter.
Menu item
To define a menu item start with the name, followed by a comma and the filename (and where appropriate the parameter).
A name must be unique. When a name exists more than once in the menu file than the first occurrence will be executed, even if another object with that name is selected.
The location of the different file types:
–Reports (.rap files) are found in the Reports\custom folder.
–Queries (.qry files) are found in the Reports\custom folder. Queries saved in a subfolder cannot be started from the custom menu. The path to the query reports can be set in the settings.
–Custom programs of Millogic (.exe files) are found in the Prog12, Prog16, Prog17 or Prog19 folder.
–Wizards (.wzr files) are listed in the Data folder.
Access to the first 10 items (submenu and custom items) in the Custom menu can be set per group using: Supervisor > Users > Rights > type : Menu access.
When defining a submenu you can also allocate the groups that should have access to that menu.
If no groups are defined the menu is accessible to all.
To allocate groups to a submenu add a comma after the name of the submenu followed by the group number between hashes.
In case you allocate groups to a submenu that is one of the first 10 items in the custom menu the rights in the regular right system will overrule the rights in the menu script.
Standard options for the Custom menu:
–Dashboard Relian
To be able to start the dashboard for Relian, a line must be entered to the custom menu: Transfer to Relian, maatwerk.exe /RELIAN.
User and password for Relian must be set in the settings in order to work with the dashboard and must be set per bookkeeping or group of Service companies.
When Relian is activated in Mill7 it is possible to transfer all relations to Relian.
In case of data transfer from Client bookkeepings add the following option to the custom menu: Transfer Client data to Relian, Maatwerk.exe /RELIAN_CLIENT.
–Create status bookyear
It is possible to generate records for the file Bookyear status for every client in the main bookkeeping.To start this software use Maatwerk.exe /B
–Mill7 functionalities
Some Mill7 screens can be started from the custom menu as well. This is added to be able to take away the rights for a complete Mill7 menu like the Supervisor menu but grant access to one or more screens by the custom menu.
Options are:
–TIMESTATUS.PRC to change the time status.
–DELETEBOOK.PRC to delete a bookkeeping.
–SETBOOKDATE.PRC to change the start end ending date of a bookkeeping
–RECALCBOOK.PRC to recalculate bookkeeping totals
–CONVCURBOOK.PRC to convert the bookkeeping currency.
–BALCDOLD.PRC to start the old maintenance screen of balance codes.
–Mill7 reports and queries
Mill7 reports and queries created in the Report tool can be accessed by the custom menu as well.
There are some restrictions to this.
A report (.rap) must be a custom report based on a standard report and the notation must be the name of the report followed by .rap. Standard reports in the Tool supplied by Millogic can not be started through the custom menu.
For a query only the queries found in the main folder of the queries can be started. The name of the query including the extension .qry must be entered in the custom menu. Queries in sub folders are not supported.